Jumat, 30 November 2012

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town: Wild Plant Guide


What You Can Do With Wild Plants             W0008

 Some people just see the wild plants growing around Mineral Town as
a little bit of extra cash lying around. And this is true (in fact, they are
worth more than many of the fish and ores you can collect). But, there are
actually so many more uses for these wild plants! Even something as seemingly
lowly and useless as a weed can be used for sickle experience, as a gift for
Popuri, or as an ingredient for Relaxation Tea Leaves! Check out the list below
for other things one can do with wild plants.

Wild Plant Uses:

1) As a food source

2) As gifts for villagers

3) For making money

4) For medicines

5) Sickle Experience (the weeds can be cut down)

6) In some cooking recipes


The Most Useful Wild Plants (in my opinion)  W0009

 These are the top three most useful wild plants in Mineral Town, in my
humble opinion.

The Top 3 Most Useful Plants:




 Grasses are easily the most useful wild plants. Many of them can be
found on a daily basis, they can be used as food, they are used in some recipes,
and they can be used to turn a decent profit.

 Mushrooms are useful as food, as a recipe ingredient, as a gift, and
(most importantly) as a gift for Carter to open up his secret mushroom garden
(which contains mushrooms, and a white grass in the Winter!).

 Truffles are on this list because of their incredible value. A single
truffle bags you 500g (meaning two truffles bag you an impressive 1,000g!).
Also, they can be used as gifts or in recipes.


Wild Plants as Gifts                         G0010

 Are you wondering which wild plants make good gifts? Look no further,
because this is the list for you!

*Note* Everyone will accept your gifts whether they like them or not. This list
specifically details only the villagers that will like or love these gifts.

Villager      Gift(s)

Ann           Apples

Anna          Apples, Wild Grapes

Barley        Bamboo Shoots, Mushrooms, Truffles

Basil         All Flowers, All Grasses, All Mushrooms, Apples, Wild Grapes

Carter        Apples, Mushrooms

Cliff         Apples, Wild Grapes

Doctor        All Grasses, Apples, Bamboo Shoots, Blue & Red Magic Grasses,
              Poisonous Mushrooms

Doug          Apples, Bamboo Shoots, Black, Green, Indigo, Purple, &
              White Grasses, Mushrooms, Truffles, Wild Grapes

Duke          Apples, Truffles, Wild Grapes

Ellen         All Flowers, Apples, Truffles, Wild Grapes

Elli          Blue & Red Magic Grass, Pink Cat Flowers, Toy Flowers, & Blue,
              Indigo, Purple, & White Grasses

Gotz          Apples, Truffles

Harris        All Flowers, Apples, Bamboo Shoots

H. Goddess    All Flowers

Jeff          Apples, Black, Blue, Indigo, Purple, & Whites Grasses,
              Pink Cat Grass, Truffles, Wild Grapes

Kai           Apples, Wild Grapes

Karen         All Flowers, Bamboo Shoots, Truffles

Lillia        All Flowers, Blue, Green, Indigo, Purple, & White Grasses,

Manna         Apples, Bamboo Shoots, Moon Drop Flowers, Pink Cat Flowers,
              Toy Flowers, Wild Grapes

May           All Flowers, Apples, Wild Grapes

Mary          All Grasses (except for Green), Apples, Bamboo Shoots,
              Poisonous Mushrooms, Truffles, Wild Grapes

Popuri        Apples, Pink Cat Flowers, Toy Flowers, Weeds

Rick          All Grasses (except Red & Yellow), Blue & Red Magic Flowers,

Saibara       Apples, Bamboo Shoots, Mushrooms, Truffles

Sasha         All Flowers, Truffles

Stu           Wild Grapes

Thomas        Bamboo Shoots, Truffles

Van           Apples

Won           Apples

Zack          Apples, Bamboo Shoots, Pink Cat Flowers, Truffles, Wild Grapes


+Another e-mail telling me that Nappy, Hoggy, and Aqua each like all of the
grasses, not just their own color. Confirmation?

+I got another e-mail telling me that Aqua likes all grasses, but he likes flour
best. Confirmation?

+It sounds like some sprites like Apples. Which ones?

+Another person saying Aqua likes Blue grass and Staid loves Indigo grass. I
really need someone to go into debug mode here and tell me what each sprite

+Lucia Nanami says they all like flour and they all hate ore.


Aqua (aquamarine)            All Grasses (but Flour is most effective)

Bold (purple)                Purple Grass

Chef (red)                   Red Grass

Hoggy (yellow)               Yellow Grass and all other Grasses

Nappy (orange)               Orange Grass and all other Grasses

Staid (blue)                 Blue Grass

Timid (green)                Green Grass



Mushrooms                                    M0011

 This game has three different types of mushrooms, all of which grow
during the Fall season. One of them is poisonous.

Mushroom               Season         Price
Mushroom              |Fall          |70G  (Shipping Bin)
                      |              |
Poisonous Mushroom    |Fall          |100G (Shipping Bin)
                      |              |
Truffle               |Fall          |500G (Shipping Bin)

-I did not include Van's prices because I don't know them. (Send them in?)

-A poisonous mushroom can be used in any recipe that calls for a regular
mushroom, but it lowers the restorative properties of the dish significantly.

-Eating a poisonous mushroom either causes you to lose Stamina. If you put it in
the pot for the big pot festival, you'll make everyone in the town sick.

 Why would a Poisonous Mushroom be worth more than a regular one? WHO
KNOWS!? Theories?

-FFX2player thinks that this is a nod to the Harvest Moon SNES game where the
poisonous mushrooms were worth more as well.

-Twib thinks poisonous mushrooms sell for more than normal ones because they are
rarer than the normal ones.


Flowers                                    F0012

 This game has five flowers. Three of them grow in the wild. One of them
can only be grown on your farm. The last one can only be obtained through a
cheating device.

Flower              Season          Price
Blue Magic Grass   |Fall           |162-171G (Van's store)
                   |               |
Moon Drop Flower   |Spring         |141-152G (Van's store)
                   |               |
Pink Cat Flower    |Summer         |80-90G   (Van's store)
                   |               |
Red Magic Grass*   |Fall           |220-197G (Van's store)
                   |               |
Toy Flower         |Spring         |118-129G (Van's store)
                   |               |
White Flower**     |Summer         |78,000-87,000G (Van's store?)

*The Red Magic Grass can only be grown with seeds purchased from Won.

**The White Flower can only be gained through an event and the use of a cheating

The White Flower

 The white Flower is a special flower in Harvest Moon. It can only be
obtained through an event, and to keep it, you have to use a cheating device. I
got the following information from njayhuang, who got it from www.fogu.com/hm4
(a useful website for HM:FoMT-related help). Here is the info on the white

 The White Flower aka Queen of the Night appears during an event. You can
only keep it if you use a cheating device.

 "Once you reach your 5th year in the game and it's Summer season, go to
Ellen's house between 1pm and 4pm. Inside Ellen says she's waiting for Basil to
arrive for a visit. When Basil appears, he says that Ellen is going to tell him
about a rare plant. Ellen explains that when she was young, she heard someone
talking about the White Flower that only blooms on a Summer night. She says
there's no one alive anymore who has seen it. Basil is intrigued by Ellen's
story. He asks you find the White Flower and bring it to Ellen. Basil then goes
back to his house to do some research about Ellen's flower. To find Ellen's
flower, go to the summit of Mother's Hill. The time has to be between 9pm and
midnight. If you walk up to the summit, you'll find the White Flower blooming on
the rocks. When you pick it, you're automatically transported back to Ellen's

 Back at Ellen's, Basil is quite surprised to see the White Flower. It's
very lovely so you give it to Ellen as a gift. Ellen thanks you and says she'll
treasure it forever."

-So, it is a "flower" which you can only keep by hacking or cheating. I'm
surprised that you can even sell it to the Van! Can you...?


Other Wild Forage                            F0013

 This section covers the wild plants that are not flowers or mushrooms.
Apples have also been added to this list.

Wild Plants         Season          Price
Apple              |Fall           |50G      (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Bamboo shoots      |Spring         |50G      (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Black Grass        |All            |10G      (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Blue Grass         |Spring-Fall    |100G     (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Green Grass        |Summer-Fall    |100G     (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Indigo Grass       |Fall           |100G     (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Orange Grass       |Spring         |100G     (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Purple Grass       |Summer         |120G     (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Red Grass          |Summer-Fall    |110G     (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Weed               |Spring-Fall    |N/A     (Can't be sold)
                   |               |
White Grass        |Winter         |150G     (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Wild Grapes        |Summer         |50G      (Shipping Bin)
                   |               |
Yellow Grass       |Spring         |120G     (shipping Bin)

Plant Reappearance Times                     R0014

 In some Harvest Moon games, the wild plants have a specific amount of
time required to grow back, but not in this one! In this game, all wild plants
grow back every day. The one exception to this is black grass.


All Plants (Except for Black Grass):   Every day during their seasons

Black Grass:  You can dig it up in the mines during any season


Wild Plant Seasons And Prices                S0015

+All Edible plants can be eaten, shipped, or used as gifts.

+All flowers cannot be shipped or eaten, but they can be used as gifts.

+Flowers can be sold to Van. Check the "Selling to Van" section for more on
this (quick search S0016).

+You can also sell other plants to Van, but I do not currently know the prices
for these. (Send them in?)

+I got an e-mail saying that if you befriend Won, he also will buy your flowers,
but at a lower rate than Van. Confirmation?

+Weeds grow in your field, but they have only 3 uses: As gifts for Popuri, for
one or two recipes, & for sickle experience!

       SEASONS:       Prices:

(                  |             )
|Bamboo shoots     | 50   G      |
|Blue Grass        | 100  G      |
|Moondrop Grass    | Sell to Van |
|Orange Grass      | 100  G      |
|Toy Flower        | Sell to Van |
|Weed              | Can't Sell  |
|Yellow Grass      | 120  G      |

(                  |             )
|Blue Grass        | 100  G      |
|Green Grass       | 100  G      |
|Pink Cat Grass    | Sell to Van |
|Purple Grass      | 120  G      |
|Red Grass         | 110  G      |
|Weed              | Can't Sell  |
|Wild Grapes       | 50   G      |

(                  |             )
|Apple             | 50   G      |
|Blue Magic Grass  | Sell to Van |
|Green Grass       | 100  G      |
|Indigo Grass      | 100  G      |
|Mushroom          | 70   G      |
|Poisonous Mushroom| 100  G      |
|Red Grass         | 110  G      |
|Red Magic Grass   | 200  G      |
|Truffle           | 500  G      |
|Weed              | Can't Sell  |

(                  |             )
|White Grass       | 150  G      |

         All Seasons
(                  |             )
|Black Grass       | 10   G      |


Selling to Van                               S0016

 Although you cannot ship flowers, there is another way to sell them. If
you connect to Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (the GameCube game), Van will
begin coming to your town. If you befriend him, you can sell him flowers as
well as other wild plants (they can even be sold for more than the shipping bin
will pay).

 To befriend Van, give him apples. You must first go through three events
with him, and after about two seasons of giving him apples, you'll finally be
able to sell him your flowers and other wild plants.

 When selling to Van, you can haggle to try and raise the price. When he
makes an offer, keep saying no until he offers the highest price. You can even
sell your truffles for more!

-I've included a little chart with the prices one can get for flowers when
haggling with Van. I currently do not have a list of prices for other wild
plants and mushrooms. Can anyone collect this information and send it in?

|      Flower            |   Lowest  $   |    Highest $       |
|                        |               |                    |
|  Magic Flower(Blue)    |     163       |   171              |
|  Magic Flower(Red)     |     220       |   297              |
|  Moon Drop Flower      |     141       |   152              |
|  Pink Cat Flower       |     80        |   90               |
|  Toy Flower            |     118       |   129              |
|  White Flower          |     78,000    |   87,000           |
|                        |               |                    |

-The White Flower can only be obtained from an event and can only be kept if you
use a cheating device.

-If you know the prices for other wild plants, please send me an e-mail!

-In mFoMT, Won can be befriended and you can sell things to him as well, but Van
has will give you more of a profit.


Wild Plant Locations                         L0017

 Remember that the plants grow back every day.

***If anyone sees any locations for the growth of the plants that I missed (or
that my imagination created and don't actually exist), please send me an e-mail
about it.***

Plant Locations:

Apple:   (3)

-3 around the tree with the beehive on your farm
Bamboo Shoots:   (3)

-1 by a stump near the lake
-2 at the lower left corner of the lake
Black Grass:   (Any amount)

-Can be dug up using a hoe in the either of the mines at any time
Blue Grass:   (3)

-2 by Gotz's house
-1 near the hot spring
Green Grass:   (3)

-1 near the hot spring
-1 by a stump near the lake
-1 at the lower left corner of the lake
Indigo Grass:   (2)

-2 on the beach
Orange Grass:   (2)

-2 at the bottom half of the beach
Purple Grass:   (4)

-4 in the lower half of the beach
Red Grass:   (5)

-1 in Carter's Graveyard (next to the church)
-1 near the bottom of the lake
-2 near the hot spring
-1 to the right of Gotz's house
White Grass:   (2)

-1 in the weird little place behind Gotz's house 
-1 in Carter's secret mushroom plantation
Wild Grapes:   (2)

-1 by Gotz's house
-1 in the lower left area of the lake
Yellow Grass:   (2)

-2 at the top half of the beach

Mushroom Locations:

Mushroom:   (3)

-1 near Gotz's house
-1 near the base of the Mountain
-1 in Carter's Mushroom Plantation
Poisonous Mushroom:   (2)

-1 on the right of Gotz's house
-1 in Carter's mushroom plantation
Truffle:   (3)

-2 in Carter's Mushroom Plantation
-1 on the secret path behind the huge rock next to the mountain path

Flower Locations:

Blue Magic Grass:   (15)

-2 near the path to the hot spring
-13 in the field by the base of the mountain
Moon Drop Grass:   (10)

-2 by Gotz's house
-3 along the path to the mountain
-5 in the big field near the base of the mountain
Pink Cat Grass:   (15)

-2 by the hot spring
-1 in the lower left corner of the lake
-4 by the path to the mountain
-8 in the big field near the base of the mountain
Toy Flower:   (6)

-3 along the path to the mountain
-3 in the big field near the base of the mountain


Growing Wild Plants                          G0018

 The same flowers that you go out to harvest from the wild can also be
grown on your farm! Won sells the seeds. You may want to grow flowers because
you want to use them as gifts, because you want to sell them to van for money,
because you want to use them for the vase in your house (check the "Flowers in
the Vase section, quick search F0020), or because you want to get your hands on
Red Magic Grass.

How to plant:

 You can either arrange your plants in rows or in squares. In rows, the
plants are easy to access and water, but you will miss out on 3 of the plants
that could be grown in the middle. In a square, the plants are harder to access,
but you will only miss out on the one plant in the center (unless you have a
silver rank or higher watering can). I prefer the square formation, because you
lose less plants.

My low quality diagrams:

|0= Soil                               |
|x= Plant (soil that should be tilled) |

3X3 square



In Rows


*With a Silver or higher upgraded watering can, you CAN water the plant in the
middle, and since flowers don't grow back, you can get all 9 of them every time.

*Harvest sprites don't harvest flowers, except for Red Magic Grass, which you
probably don't want harvested because they will sell it immediately, and you may
want to keep it for recipes or for your vase. Keep this in mind when employing
harvest sprites and growing Red Magic Grass.


Moondrop Grass |

Season:        Spring
Price:         500G
Shop:          Won's store
Time to grow:  6 Days

Pink Cat Grass |

Season:        Summer
Price:         300G
Shop:          Won's store
Time to grow:  6 Days

Red Magic Grass|*

Season:         Fall
Price:          600G
Shop:           Won's store
Time to grow:   9 Days
Shipping price: 200G
Toy Flower     |

Season:        Spring
Price:         400G
Shop:          Won's store
Time to grow:  12 Days

*When you grow these, you'll usually only get one red magic grass while the rest
will all be blue. I had one guy complaining to me because he got all blues. He
was just very unlucky.*

*You can actually see what you are going to get by checking your mini-map the
day after planting. It'll show you which ones will be red and which ones will be
blue. You can use this to turn your game off and restart if you didn't get
enough reds. People tell me they can get up to 3, and possibly more!*


Cooking with Wild Plants                     C0019

 Here I have gathered together all of the recipes I know (though I
learned of many from V Jasper's Cooking guide) that have wild plants as

+If any optional ingredients are missing from these recipes, send me an e-mail!

+If any wild plants can be included as optional ingredients in any recipes that
are NOT listed here, send those in too!

***I have included apples as a wild plant, but I don't know if I found all the
recipes. Am I missing any?***

AEPFE Apple:

Utensils:   None

Ingredients: Apple, HMSGB Apple, SUGDW Apple
Apple Pie:

Utensils:    Sugar, Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin, Oven

Ingredients: Egg/ Butter/ Flour/ Apple
Apple Jam:

Utensils:    Sugar, Pot

Ingredients: Apple
(Sent by e-mail from Christopher Jayson)
Apple Souffl?: (A typo in the game. Supposed to be Apple Souffle)

Utensils:    Frying Pan

Ingredients: Apple
Bamboo Rice:

Utensils:    None

Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot/ Rice Balls

Utensils:    Pot

Ingredients: Honey/ Orange Grass/ Black Grass/ Red Magic Grass
Bodigizer XL:

Utensils:    Mixer

Ingredients: Bodigizer/ Blue Grass

Utensils:    Oven, Sugar, Whisk, Knife

Ingredients: Butter (made with Milk + Mixer)/ Egg/ Flour/ Honey/ Apple
Chocolate Cake:

Utensils:    Oven, Sugar, Whisk, Knife

Ingredients: Butter (made with Milk + Mixer)/ Egg/ Flour/ Honey/ Apple/
Fruit Juice:

Utensils:    Mixer

Ingredients: Apple
Fruit Latte:

Utensils:    Mixer

Ingredients: Apple/ Milk
Grape Jam:

Utensils:    Sugar, Pot

Ingredients: Wild Grapes
Grape Juice:

Utensils:    Mixer

Ingredients: Wild Grapes

Optional: Honey (Gives more stamina!)
HMSGB Apple:

Utensils:   None

Ingredients: Apple, SUGDW Apple, AEPFE Apple
Ice Cream:

Utensils:    Pot, Whisk, Sugar

Ingredients: Milk/ Egg/ Honey/ Apple
Jam Bun:

Utensils:    None

Ingredients: Apple Jam, Bread
Mountain Stew:

Utensils:    Sugar, Soy Sauce, Knife, Pot

Ingredients: Carrot/ Mushroom/ Bamboo Shoot
Mushroom Rice:

Utensils:    None

Ingredients: Mushroom/ Rice Balls

Utensils:    Knife, Rolling Pin, Oven

Ingredients: Ketchup/ Cheese/ Flour/ Tomato/ Onion/ Mushroom
Raisin Bread:

Utensils:    None

Ingredients: Wild Grapes/ Bread
Relaxation Tea Leaves:

Utensils:    Knife, Frying Pan

Ingredients: Red Grass/ Orange Grass/ Yellow Grass/ Green Grass/ Purple Grass/
Blue Grass/ Indigo Grass/ Weed
SUGDW Apple:

Utensils:   None

Ingredients: Apple, HMSGB Apple, AEPFE Apple
Spring Sun:

Utensils:    None

Ingredients: Blue Magic Grass/ Red Magic Grass/ Moondrop Grass/ Pink Cat Grass/
Toy Flower
(Sent by e-mail from Jolene)
Strawberry/Apple Jam:

Utensils:    Sugar, Pot, Knife

Ingredients: Strawberry OR Apple

Optional: Honey/ Wine
Truffle Rice:

Utensils:    None

Ingredients: Truffle/ Rice Balls

Utensils:    Pot

Ingredients: Honey/ Orange Grass/ White Grass/ Red Magic Grass
Turbojolt XL:

Utensils:    Mixer

Ingredients: Turbojolt/ Green Grass
Wild Grape Juice:

Utensils:    Pot

Ingredients: Wine/ Wild Grapes/ Purple Grass


Flowers in the Vase                     F0020

 When you get far enough into the game, you can buy a vase for your
house. You can put flowers in this vase, and they will help with your stamina
and fatigue when you wake up every morning. Thanks to contributor njayhuang and
a guide written by samurai goroh and thekingofthisgame, I have the exact values
of these plants' positive effects.

-Keep in mind that as you work more, you LOSE stamina and GAIN fatigue, so you
want to gain stamina and lose fatigue.

Flower                Effect

Blue Magic Grass:    Stamina+3

Moon Drop Grass:     Stamina+10

Pink Cat Grass:      Fatigue-15

Toy Flower:          Fatigue-7

Unknown Effects

Red Magic Grass:     ??? (Can this even be used?)

White Flower:        ??? (Can this even be used?)

-If anybody knows the effects of either of the flowers above, please send me an

-The White Flower can only be gained through an event by using a cheating

My Descriptions of the Wild Plants           D0021

 These are my descriptions of the wild plants in HM:FoMT. These are in my
own words, but if you think you have a better description, please send me an



Apple: A stereotypical red apple.

Bamboo Shoots: A small light brown stump with little bits of yellow poking out
of it.
                                             o   o
Grass (all colors): It looks like a clover    \_/   <<< Kind of looks like that,
if the o's were clover leaves. They're all different colors.

Weed: A dark green clump of grass.

Wild Grapes: A small bunch of purple grapes, oddly not attached to a vine or



Mushroom: A stereotypical looking mushroom. A light brown cap with a fat white

Poisonous Mushroom: Looks like the Mushroom, except with a red cap covered in
little yellow dots.

Truffle: It's small and has a dark brown cap and a small white stem. It looks
kind of shriveled up.



Blue Magic Grass: One large blue bell-shaped flower with a tiny green stem.

Moondrop Grass: Looks kind of like a dandelion with two puffy white flowers.

Pink Cat Grass: Looks like a pair of small pink tulips, perfectly symmetrical.

Red Magic Grass: One large red bell-shaped flower with a tiny green stem.

Toy flower: A somewhat small yellow flower with a light green stem.


Wild Plant Collecting Routes        W0022

 This section highlights routes for collecting your wild plants quickly
every day. Thanks to Deathstriker24, who wrote the majority of this section.

-He stops off in the chicken coop and barn to drop stuff off because time stops
inside buildings, which saves you valuable time.

-If you follow these routes and have a large rucksack, you can start getting
into town by 11-12 AM!

Collecting Routes:


Small & Medium Rucksack:

1) Forest and Hot springs for 3 Blue Grasses -> Chicken Coop Drop Off  
2) Kappa Lake for 3 Bamboo Shoots -> Chicken Pen drop off  
3) Beach for 3 Grasses -> Barn drop off (If medium, ignore barn drop off and
just grab the final grass in one go)
4) Beach for final grass -> Any drop off

Large Rucksack:

1) Forest and Hot springs for 3 Blue Grasses -> Kappa Lake for 3 Bamboo
Shoots -> Chicken Coop drop off
2) Beach for 2 Yellow and 2 Brown Grasses -> Barn drop off


Large Rucksack:

1) Forest for 1 Wild Grape, 2 Blue Grasses, 1 Green Grass, & 1 Red Grass -> Hot
Springs for 1 Blue Grass, 1 Green Grass, and 1 Red Grass -> Chicken Coop drop
2) Kappa Lake for 1 Wild Grape, 2 Green Grasses, 1 Red Grass -> Beach for 4
Purple Grasses -> Church for 1 Red Grass -> Barn drop off


Large Rucksack:

1) Forest for 1 Mushroom, 1 Poisonous Mushroom, 1 Green Grass, 1 Red Grass ->
Hot Springs for 2 Red Grasses, 1 Green Grass -> Chicken Coop drop off
2) Kappa Lake for 1 Red Grass, 1 Truffle, 1 Mushroom, 2 Green Grasses -> Chicken
coop drop off
3) Beach for 2 Indigo Grasses -> Church for 1 Red Grass -> Behind Church for 2
Truffles, 1 Mushroom, 1 Poisonous Mushroom -> Barn Drop off

Large Rucksack: (If Church Back isn't open to you yet)

1) Forest for 1 Mushroom, 1 Green Grass, 1 Red Grass -> Hot Springs for 2 Red
Grasses, 1 Green Grass -> Chicken Coop drop off
2) Kappa Lake for 1 Red Grass, 1 Truffle, 1 Mushroom, 2 Green Grasses -> Beach
for 2 Indigo Grasses -> Church for 1 Red Grass -> Barn drop off


Small-Large Rucksack:

1) Forest for 1 White Grass -> Church Back for 1 White Grass -> Barn drop off

+I am missing small and medium rucksack plant collecting routes for summer and
fall. Does anyone care to write these?


FAQs                                         F0023

 This is the FAQ section where I answer some of the most commonly asked
questions! Have a question? Send it in!

Q= Question
A= Answer


Anticipated FAQs!

 Q: Can you hybrid wild plants in this game?

 A: Nope, you can't hybrid at all! Hybridizing is unique to Harvest Moon:
A Wonderful Life & Another Wonderful Life.

 Q: Does connecting to the GC version of the game give any wild plant
related extras?

 A: Yes, it does. It gives you Van, a merchant whom you can befriend and
sell your flowers and other wild plants to. This is the only way to sell flowers
in FoMT.

 Q: Will I be credited if you put my question into this guide?

 A: Yes, if you give me the name you'd like to be credited by. I will
also remove it or not put it in if you don't want your name displayed publicly
or don't want to receive credit.

 Q: Is there a way to sell flowers?

 A: Look at the Selling to Van section (quick search S0016).



Questions from public (feel free to send one in)

(Question sent from Danny Smartt)
(Copied directly from E-mail)

 Q: I'm just wondering, how does putting flowers into the vase affect
your stamina and fatigue? Which flowers do, which flowers don't? Do they really
have any affect at all or does the game just say that? If you could put that
into a section in your guide that would be helpful.

 A: Check out the "Flowers in the Vase" section (quick search F0020).

(Question sent from SMurphy)
(Copied directly from E-mail)

 Q: Ok there is one plant you didn't say how to find in your guide. It's
the red magic grass plant. I can't find it at all and I'm beginning to think it
doesn't exist. Please, tell me where it is!

 A: This is covered in my guide, but you can only get the red magic
grass by growing it. Often times, you'll only get one red one per bag of seeds,
while the rest will be blue. For more information, check my Growing Wild Plants
section (quick search G0018).

(Question sent from 007baby)
(Copied directly from E-mail)

 Q: Hey, whenever I plant blue magic grass, the next day the seeds
disappear. Even when I don't water them. what am I doing wrong?

 A: You're planting them in the wrong season. Try planting them in Fall.

(Question sent from Ogre531)
(Copied directly from E-mail)

 Q: I was reading your guide and it said the red magic grass was worth
200g but you usually get 1 red and the rest are blue. Well, how much does the
blue grass sell for? Or is the blue grass just the type of grass you find wild
in Summer?

 A: The blue magic grass is the same type of grass you find wild in Fall.
It cannot be sold in the shipping bin, but it can be sold to Van for 163-171G.

(Question sent from [name removed at request of contributor])
(Copied directly from E-mail)

 Q: Hello Mr.Aqlex239,
About your guide, there is a problem that I am struggling with:
Truffle:   (3)

.2 in Carter's Mushroom Plantation
.on the path to the Harvest Goddess place
You see, I do not know where the last truffle is. I do not understand where the
Harvest Goddess place path is, if you could briefly explain to me I would be
Thank You for your time,
A Reader

 A: This section has now been rewritten, but I am keeping this up. You
can get there by breaking the huge rock next to the path up the mountain, but
you would need a cursed (or higher?) tool to break it.

(Question sent from Robert Martin)
(Copied directly from E-mail)

 Q: How do you eat a plant?

 A: Press L and B at the same time while holding the thing you want to
eat above your head. You can't eat flowers.

(Question sent from Rigo Herrera)
(Copied directly from E-mail)

 Q: Hey I Read Your Guide But I Couldn't Find Out How I Can Eat Grass To
Recover Stamina And Fatigue.

 A: Same answer as above. Press L and B at the same time while holding
the thing you want to eat above your head.

(Question sent from Jasmine)
(Copied directly from E-mail)

 Q: You mentioned in your guide titled Wild Plants that there is white
grass behind Gotz house, I can't find it! :( The mayor has already come by my
farm and asked for it, but I simply can't find it! I even tried digging behind
his house! :( And I do not yet have access to Carter's secret mushroom patch.
Thanks so much for your time. 

 A: It can be found on the little pathway behind his house during Winter.


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