Jumat, 30 November 2012

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town: Festival Guide

3- Festivals
3.1 - Legend
This is too help you understand what I am talking about :
name of festival 
place of the festival
type of festival -> refer to 3.2
prize -> refer to 3.2
screw ups -> refer to 3.2
secrets un-related to festivals -> refer to 3.3
description of the festival
tips for the first year
tips for all other years
other things you should know (if any)

3.2 - Important things you have to know

Types of festivals : there are three types of festivals

 - DAY : The festival starts at 10:00 AM and ends at 5:59 PM. You can enter
         the festival at any time between the time limit. When the festival
         is over you are automatically brought back home where it will be
         6:00 PM. Zack, the shipper will NOT pick up your shipments that day
         so you cannot make any money. But you can still ship things, he will
         pick them up the next day and you will get your money.  All houses
         will be closed, except the sprites and (glitch?)Gotz's house (but
         he won't take jobs). Nobody will wander around town and you cannot
         enter the place the festival takes place until 10:00 AM.

- NIGHT : The festival starts at 6:00 PM and ends at 11:59 PM. You can enter
          the festival at any time between the time limit. When the festival
          is over, you will wake up and it will be the next day. Zack, the
          shipper will NOT pick up your shipments that day so you cannot make
          any money. But you can still ship things, he will pick them up the
          next day and you will get your money.  All houses will be closed,
          except the sprites and (glitch?)Gotz's house (but he won't take
          jobs). Nobody will wander around town and you usually cannot enter
          the place the festival takes place until 6:00 PM.

- YEAR EVENT : It is less a festival then an yearly event. You either activate
               the event by doing something in particular or the event will
               start by itself, or you can just skip it entirely. The event
               is noted on your calendar. The time limit is different in
               each one. Zack WILL ship your stuff and all shops are open as
               usual. People will wander the streets so it is your basic day.
- VARIABLE : If one festival has this noted next to the type, it is because
             it is either different, or might change because of some reason.
             Refer to the OTHER section at the end of the festival's

- YES : This mean that if the festival is a competition and you win, you will
        get something. If "only once" is written next to it, it means
        you can only get a prize the first time you win the festivals, all 
        next contests will yeald no prize. Also noted if you just receive 
        something after.

- NO : The festival was not a competition, or the competition doesn't give
       you anything, no matter how many times you win. Sorry... 
Screw ups

- YES : This only applies to a competition type festival, and one where the
        player's skill (usually pressing A) determines the result of the
        contest. If there is a yes, if you saved before the festival, you
        can reset and try again.

- NO : All other contests where your skills do not matter. Or simply festivals
       that are not contests. NOTE : cow/sheep contests are not screw ups
       because it is not skill, the contest is based on the heart level. Plus
       unless you saved before Barley picked up your animal for the contest,
       resetting will not do anything.

3.3 - Secrets to use during festivals 

These are some tips that you can use to make money or to make your life easier
during festivals. Make sure that you take advantage of them ! "^_^"

1- The horse race money making scheme. (HRM)

Bring your EMPTY basket to the horse race. You can go exchange your medals
prizes if you talk to the mayor. Yes, he sells some pretty nice stuff for
the ladies, but ignore them if you want the big cash. What you need to do
is to fill the basket with broaches. You see, he sells broaches for 18 medals
which equals 900 G each. If you want to make a broach, it cost 1 000 G plus
an ore. So you save 100 G. Plus, one broach sells for 2 000 G. So a basket
full of them will net you 60 000 G with a profit of 33 000 G. All the other
merchandises are not worth it when it comes to profit.

2- The endless fishing trip. (EFT)

Bring your EMPTY basket and your fishing rod. Since you do not waste time
or energy every time you are in a festival or an event (I.E. when the bar
at the bottom of the screen where the date and time is is missing) you can
take advantage of this situation and fish endlessly. Up until you have higher
then level 6 fishing rod, you will not make as mush money then in the horse
races. A basket full of big fishes is 6 000 G. A basket full of pirate
treasures is 300 000 G. A basket full of ancient fossils is 150 000 G. Its
a good way to make big money.... but it will test your patience. WARNING :
if you are going after pirate treasures or ancient fossils, please note that
if you have a cursed or blessed rod, you will mostly catch junk. If you throw
away the junk, your reputation (I.E how the town likes you) will greatly drop.
So be careful, once after doing this, my wife and kid's heart level dropped
from 10 to 7 in one day. This can be fixed by having Carter forgive you in
confession for littering and then, on later days, getting forgiven on
"townspeople don't like me" confession.

3- The easy uncursing. (EU)

Two of the six cursed tools can be uncursed if they are used 255 times.
During a festival or event, time and energy is not spend, meaning that you
can uncurse the axe and the fishing rod during a festival easily and you
won't turn blue. PLEASE NOTE : if you try to raise the level of your tools
during an event or a festival, it won't work. The  % of a tool will not rise
when used in those circumstances.

4- The platinum products abuse. (PPA)

Winning the chicken, cow, or sheep contest enables the winning animal to
have golden products (platinum after they spend more then 600 hours outside).
The platinum products mixed with a "maker" will net the highest value for
animal products, excluding the random X grade product. But, you know that
after some time your animals will pass away. The trick is to always enter
in those contests your youngest animal. This way, they will last longer and
more money for you. Also, natural death is random when they reach a certain
age, so if an animal dies and you saved before going to bed, reset, and your
animal will not be dead. That way, you can keep them longer. And if they
start dying a bit too often, even with the load/reload, go sell them. Platinum
animals sell for more then their original buying cost. Not bad.

3.4 - Before going to a festival

Before going to a festival, there are some things you should know, and things
you should do.

Every festival that is not a yearly event prevents Zack from picking up your
shipments. But, fear not, you can still ship things and still get your money,
Zack will just pick them up the next day and give you your money. So if you
have a field full of sweet potatoes, your sprites can pick them all up and you
will get your money.
(thanks to Marasmus for correcting me)

Please note that evey time I mention that your wife will do something, I mean
any wife except for the Goddess. The Goddess will never be present for
festivals. The only thing she will do in a festival is give you a cake during
the Winter Thanksgiving festival.

Also, for every festival, except the cooking festival, you can enter at any time
as long as it is in the allowed time period. This means that you can go pick up
food in the woods until 3:00 PM and still make it in time to win the horse race.
As I said, the only exception is the cooking festival. Since it is in two parts,
you need to attend the 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM part and then make it back before
5:59 PM.

And please note that time seems to stop when it is a festival day. Some things
that are supposed to happen that day will not happen.

- you cannot get married on a festival day, if you propose to your future
  wife one week before a festival, the wedding will occur the day after the
- you cannot get married on a day preceding a festival (not sure if it only
  applies for festivals where you need to register one day before or all
- animals who are supposed to be born will not be born until the next day
- animals cannot die on festival days (well not in my case, not 100 % sure)
- your wife will not give birth, even if she was supposed to (not sure)
- your child will not grow up (your child gets hurt and you need to bring
  him to the clinic) (not sure)
- no typhoon or storm will happen (not sure)

Note that you can miss a festival completely if :

- one of your rivals gets married and invites you
- your wife gives birth (not sure, see above too)
- your child grows up (not sure, see above too)

3.5 - Spring festivals
 -New Year
-date : Spring 1
-place : at rose square
-type : night
-prize : yes, rice cakes
-screw up : no
-secrets : EU
-description : After talking to the mayor, you will be asked if you want to 
               start the festival. Say yes and you will eat some rice cakes.
               The festival will end, and you will get some rice cakes to 
               take home.
-first year : Sorry, you can't go because you start the game on Spring 2
-next years : Be sure to have an empty rucksack so you can take home nine
              rice cakes. Great for gifts.
-Spring Thanksgiving
-date : Spring 14
-place : n/a
-type : year event
-prize : no
-screw up : no
-secrets : none
-description : You need to bake cookies for the girls. Usually you only 
               need to give some to the girls who gave you gifts at 
               the Winter Thanksgiving, but you can give some to all. 
               It raises their heart level.
-first year : Sorry, unless you cheat, it is impossible to make cookies at
              this point.
-next years : Just make sure she gets the cookies. But try to figure out 
              her schedule so you don't spend hours looking for the girl.
              Karen is hard to find sometimes. 
-other : All the girls will loves the cookies (minus the Goddess). This 
         is the only time Karen will love sweets. Here are the recipes for

         STEP 1  : BUTTER - milk(any) / mixer
         STEP 2a : COOKIES - flour + egg(any) + butter / rolling pin + 
                   oven + sugar  (extras : honey)
         STEP 2b : CHOCOLATE COOKIES - flour + egg(any) + butter + 
                   chocolate / rolling pin + oven + sugar (extras : honey)

-Horse Race
-date : Spring 18
-place : at rose square
-type : day
-prize : yes, only once : power berry
         (note if you win the Spring one, you cannot get another 
          power berry in Fall, and vice-versa)
-screw up : yes
-secrets : HRM / EU
-description : Place bets on horses, win medals, buy some neat stuff...
               Oh and once you have an adult horse, you can enter the 
               races. You will be in the third one.
-first year : Sorry, your horse will not be big yet. So all you can 
              do is bet. The trick is to bet on the one with the lowest 
              payout. That's the one who wins 90 % of the time.
-next years : Same as the first year, but this time you will race. To race,
              all you need to do is to press A to give the horse a boost.
              The horse will run at a set speed, and all you need to do is
              tell him to go faster. But as you press A his stamina will 
              go down. His heart bubble will switch from green (high stamina)
              to yellow (a bit tired) to red (no possible acceleration). If
              you stop pressing A he will regain energy. Save before the first
              time so you can try again to get the gist of it. The higher his
              heart level towards you, the longer he can last.
-other : Once you know how to win, only bet on YOUR horse. Best way to get 
         easy medals. For item list, refer to section 5.

-Cooking Contest
-date : Spring 22
-place : at rose square
-type : day, variable
-prize : no
-screw up : yes
-secrets : EU
-description : Talk to the gourmet guy and he will tell you what the category
               for the contest is. After that, exit the square, you will be
               home. Prepare the food, go back to the square, give the food 
               to the mayor and the game will start. 
-first year : It is actually possible to participate in the first year if you
              buy grape juice from the winery but you will not get a good score.
-next years : Make sure you have all the required ingredients a day or two
              prior to the competition. In the first five years, the categories
              are pre-set. After the fifth year, you can always reset if you 
              don't like the category.
-other : The first part of the festival is from 10:00 AM to 11:59 PM 
         This is where the gourmet guy will tell you the category. You will
         return home at 12:00 PM and will have to return before 5:59 PM.

3.6 - Summer festivals

-Beach day (aka Dog race)
-date : Summer 1
-place : at the beach
-type : day
-prize : yes, only once : power berry
-screw up : yes
-secrets : EFT / EU
-description : The day before, Zack will come register your adult dog, and 
               will bring it with him. Its a frisbee competition. You have
               two throws to ace so that your dog can win the game.
-first year : Sorry, but your dog will not be big enough
-next years : Once he grows up in the first fall, go buy a frisbee from Won
              and bring your dog to the beach everyday so he can practice
              and raise his green bar. After winter is finish, you can go 
              back in the spring. Depending on how you practiced, it might
              be difficult to win the second year.
-other : You need to ace the two shots. From personal experience : if you
         miss one and get a very very long distance in the second one, you
         won't win. But, according to someone on the net, my information 
         isn't true. You can still win even if you mess up the first or 
         second try. Needs confirmation. Oh and on a side note, you do not 
         need to have the frisbee in your inventory to participate and you
         do not need to bring it. 
-date : Summer 7
-place : at rose square
-type : day
-prize : yes, winner lays golden eggs if 8 hearts or more
        (after 600+ hours outside : platinum)
-screw up : yes
-secrets : EU / PPA
-description : The day before, Rick will come register a chicken and will 
               bring it with him. Your chicken will have to battle against
               one chicken each round, for three rounds. You need to press 
               the A button to scare the other chicken out of the ring, while
               preventing the chicken to do the same to you.
-first year : You can participate as long as you have a chicken. Do not press 
              A as soon as the game starts, wait for the other chicken to cluck
              and he will advance on you (but he won't scare you). After he
              advances start pressing A to scare him (he will have a  "!" 
              balloon). Just keep pressing A and you should be fine. But if the
              other chicken is gaining on you, stop pressing A and time 
              your A smashing so that you scare him and not vice versa. For
              some reason, I find the first round always more difficult.
-next years : Same as before.
-other : WARNING : the chicken returns IN the coop, don't forget to feed it
         or take it outside.

-Cow festival
-date : Summer 20
-place : at rose square
-type : day
-prize : yes, cow gives golden milk if more than 8 hearts
        (after 600+ hours outside gives platinum)
-screw up : no
-secrets : EU / PPA
-description : A day before Barley will come register a healthy, adult cow
               that is not pregnant. The next day, people will judge your
               cow and after you talk to Barley again, the festival will 
               end. If you win, you will see a scene indicating it.
-first year : I do not think it is possible to have enough hearts to win,
              but you can try your luck.
-next years : Choose the cow with the most hearts. Usually with 8-10 hearts,
              that cow will win.
-other : The higher the hearts, the better the chances. WARNING : the cow 
         will be returned after the festival INSIDE the barn. Don't forget 
         to feed it or to put it outside. You can also milk her now.

-Fireworks festival
-date : Summer 24
-place : at the beach
-type : night, variable
-prize : no
-screw up : no
-secrets : EFT / EU
-description : Just talk to everybody, after talking to the last person, the
               fireworks will start.
-first year : If a girl has a heart level higher then green, you will get the
              option of watching the fireworks with her.
-next years : Ditto if you are not married. If you are married, you will watch
              the fireworks with your wife after you talk to her.
-other : NOTE : the time limit is from 6:00 PM to 8:59 PM.

3.7 - Fall festivals
-Music festival
-date : Fall 3
-place : at church
-type : night
-prize : no
-screw up : no
-secrets : EU
-description : The day before, Carter will come to your house and ask you
               if you want to participate in the music festival. Say yes
               an the next day, if you go to the church, you will play 
               the ocarina with Mary on the organ, Karen on vocals, and
               Elli and Ann on the flute.
-first year : Nothing much to say, all you need to do is talk to Carter
              twice : once to get in the church and the second time to 
              start the festival.
-next years : See above.
 -Ann's mother funeral anniversary
-date : Fall 5
-place : at the summit
-type : year event, not noted on the calendar
-prize : no
-screw up : no
-secrets : EU
-description : From 6:00 AM to 4:59 PM, Doug will be on top of Mother's
               Hill. When you first enter, it will play out like an event.
               If you leave and decide to return, he will still be there, but
               you won't be in a event. The inn will be closed all day, but 
               you can enter in from 10:00 AM until 4:59 PM.
-first year : Ann will be missing from her morning hangout at the spring, but
              she will be at the inn all day.
-next years : Ditto
-other : This event will still occur even if it is raining.

-Harvest festival
-date : Fall 9
-place : at rose square
-type : day
-prize : no
-screw up : no
-secrets : EU
-description : The day before, the mayor will come and invite you to this
               festival. All you need to do is bring a piece of food to 
               the square the next day and talk to the mayor again.
-first year : Just bring any kind of food, it doesn't matter.
-next years : See above.
-other : Just for fun, there are two things that can happen. If you bring
         any normal food, you will have a bubble where the word "GOOD !" will
         appear and the townspeople will be pleased with the food. But if 
         you bring something like a poison mushroom or a red herb.... after
         eating, the scene will flash and you will faint, and everybody will
         have funny comments on the stew. 

-Full moon festival
-date : Fall 13
-place : at the summit
-type : night
-prize : no
-screw up : no
-secrets : EU
-description : During the time limit, if one of the girls has a heart 
               level of green or higher, you will see her at the summit
               of the mountain, and you will watch the moon together. AWWWWW <3
-first year : Just be sure to have charmed a girl in the time prior to this.
-next years : The girl with the highest "love" rating will go with you, this
              means that in theory, if you are married, you can go with 
              someone that is not your wife. Hehe...
-other : You cannot participate without a girl. If you bring moon dumplings
         on the festival and hold them as the festival unfolds, you will
         automatically give them to the girl.
-Horse race
-date : Fall 18
-place : at rose square
-type : day
-prize : yes, only once : power berry
         (note if you win the Fall one, you cannot get another 
          power berry in Spring, and vice-versa)
-screw up : yes
-secrets : HRM / EU
-description : Place bets on horses, win medals, buy some neat stuff...
               Oh and once you have an adult horse, you can enter the 
               races. You will be in the third one.
-first year : Sorry, your horse will not be big yet. So all you can 
              do is bet. The trick is to bet on the one with the lowest 
              payout. That's the one who wins 90 % of the time.
-next years : Same as the first year, but this time you will race. To race,
              all you need to do is to press A to give the horse a boost.
              The horse will run at a set speed, and all you need to do is
              tell him to go faster. But as you press A his stamina will 
              go down. His heart bubble will switch from green (high stamina)
              to yellow (a bit tired) to red (no possible acceleration). If
              you stop pressing A he will regain energy. Save before the first
              time so you can try again to get the gist of it. The higher his
              heart level towards you, the longer he can last.
-other : Once you know how to win, only bet on YOUR horse. Best way to get 
         easy medals. For item list, refer to section 5.

-Sheep festival
-date : Fall 21
-place : at rose square
-type : day
-prize : yes, sheep gives golden wool if more than 8 hearts
        (after 600+ hours outside gives platinum)
-screw up : no
-secrets : EU / PPA
-description : A day before Barley will come register a healthy, adult sheep
               that is not pregnant and must still have her wool. The next day,
               people will judge your sheep and after you talk to Barley again, 
               the festival will end. If you win, you will see a scene
               indicating it.
-first year : If you bought the sheep early in spring you have a good chance of
              having more or less eight hearts for the festival. Just keep it 
              outside, keep brushing and talking to it, and go to the
              confessional at the church from 1:00 PM to 3:59 PM on Mondays,
              Wednesday, and any rainy day. At the confessional, save your game,
              enter the left door and choose one of the two confessions that
              talk about cruelty towards animals. If Carter tells you that all
              is forgiven, your animals will love you more (not always visible,
              but once two cows and three chickens had one extra heart after the
              confession). If he gives you a negative response, just reload and
              try again.
-next years : Choose the sheep with the most hearts. Usually with 8-10 hearts,
              that sheep will win.
-other : The sheep must have her wool. This means that you have to time yourself
         so that her wool has grown back the day before the actual festival.
         The higher the hearts, the better the chances. WARNING : the sheep 
         will be returned after the festival INSIDE the barn. Don't forget 
         to feed it or to put it outside. You can also cut her wool now.

-Pumpkin festival
-date : Fall 30
-place : your house
-type : year event
-prize : no
-screw up : no
-secrets : n/a
-description : May, Stu, and Popuri will all come to your house during the
               day and ask for some candy. Give them chocolates and they 
               will be happy.
-first year : Be sure to have enough chocolates for the three of them. Buy 
              them a day or two before at the supermarket.
-next years : If Popuri is married to Kai, she won't come.
-other : May passes at 6:00 AM, Stu at 8:00 AM, and Popuri at 10:00 AM.

3.8 - Winter festivals

-Thomas' request
-date : Winter 2
-place : your house
-type : year event, not noted on the calendar
-prize : yes, golden lumber (AHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO! anything but that !)
-screw up : no
-secrets : n/a
-description : The mayor will come to your house at 6:00 AM and will ask you
               to go get him something. He will come back at 7:00 PM and 
               you will have to give it to him.
-first year : Be sure that it will not snow on this day or the event will 
              not activate. Do not forget to save a day before so that this
              way, if he asks for something hard to get, you can reset. The 
              best things to accept are black grass, white grass, and the rice
              cake. The grasses are easy to find and the rice cake is not worth
              anything but it might be hard to get. Unless you have a rice cake
              go for the black grass, since it is worth only 10 G.
-next years : Ditto
-other : He will ask for one of the following :
         -AEPFE apple (buy from Won when he comes to your house, or recipe)
         -Black grass (dig in any mine on any floor, quite common)
         -Bracelet (make at blacksmith)
         -Diamond (stones in floors that end in 0 after 10 in Winter mine)
         -Golden egg (winning chicken with 8+ hearts and less then 600 hours
         -Green pepper (harvest in fall)
         -Moon stone (stones in floors that end with 8 in Winter mine)
         -Rice cakes (win from the Goddess in TV game, or get at New Years)
         -Truffle (found in Fall behind the church or near the lake w/level 
          6 hammer)
         -White grass (random from Goddess, Winter behind church and Gotz's

-Winter Thanksgiving
-date : Winter 14
-place : your house
-type : year event
-prize : yes, chocolate cake or chocolate
-screw up : no
-secrets : n/a
-description : Depending on the heart levels of the girls, you will get some 
               food. If it is blue or green, she will give you chocolate. If
               it is yellow or higher, she will give you chocolate cake. Note
               that more then one girl can give you food.
-first year : Just be sure to charm the ladies all year long.
-next years : If you are married, she won't give the cake to you during the day.
              As soon as you will go bed, you will see a small scene where your
              wife will say something about not waking you up. Check your 
              rucksack, you will have a cake with you. Also, once you are
              married, no other girls but your wife will give you sweets. Ditto
              if the girl is married (I think). This applies to the Goddess 
              too ! (for once...)
-other : Popuri : 6:00 AM
         Ann : 8:00 AM
         Elli : 10:00 AM
         Karen : 12:00 PM
         Mary : 2:00 PM

-Starry night
-date : Winter 24
-place : variable
-type : night, variable
-prize : no
-screw up : no
-secrets : n/a
-description : If you talk to a girl who has a green heart or higher
               on the 23rd, she will invite you to come to her house to eat 
               supper with her family. On the 24th, all doors will be closed
               except her house during the time limit.
-first year : Just charm a girl ! Its not that hard.
-next years : If you are married, this event will play out differently, hence
              the variable. If you are married, on the 23rd, talk to your wife
              and she will tell you to come near noon so they can eat. On the
              24th, finish your job and go inside at noon, you will
              automatically end up in the event and you will wake up the 
              next morning.
-other : After you are married the time limit changes to begin at noon and end
         at ??? Prior to getting married, here are the locations of the girls.
         -Ann : at the inn
         -Elli : her grandma's house (first house on the right of the library)
         -Karen : supermarket
         -Mary : her house (first house on the left of the library)
         -Popuri : poultry farm

-Stocking festival
-date : Winter 25
-place : your house
-type : year event, not noted 
-prize : yes
-screw up : no
-secrets : n/a
-description : If you go to bed between 9:00 PM and 11:59 AM and if you have 
               a stocking, the mayor will come and give you a gift. If you
               don't have a stocking, you will see him coming, but he
               won't give you anything. 
-first year : To get the stocking : you must be good friends with Ellen (the old
              lady) and you must give her some yarn. She will sew you some
              socks. After she is finish, it will be 6:00 PM. Some people seem
              to have trouble activating this event. The trick is to give her
              the yarn BEFORE winter 10. It might be hard to activate it in the
              first year because of the sock.
-next years : It might be easier to get the sock in the second year.
-other : List of presents
         -chocolate (unconfirmed)
         -ruby (unconfirmed)
         -emerald (unconfirmed)

-New Year A : the noodles
-date : Winter 30
-place : at rose squares
-type : night
-prize : yes, buckwheat flour
-screw up : no
-secrets : EU
-description : After talking to the mayor, you will eat some buckwheat noodles.
               If you have some place in your rucksack, you will get some 
               buckwheat flour.
-first year : Make sure that your rucksack is empty so that you can get nine
              buckwheat flours.
-next years : See above.
-other : You can either go to this celebration or to the next. Note that you 
         can only go to one.
 -New Year B : the sunrise
-date : Winter 30
-place : at the summit
-type : night, variable
-prize : no
-screw up : no
-secrets : EU
-description : Go to the summit and talk to everybody. You will then proceed
               and watch the sunrise.
-first year : Talk to everybody. After you have talked to everybody, you will
              watch the sunrise.
-next years : See above.
-other : The time limit is from 00:00 AM to 05:59 AM. You can either go to 
         this one or the previous. You can only go to one.

4- Cooking festival

4.1- Categories

When you first enter the cooking festival between 10:00 AM and 11:59 PM (noon)
talk to the gourmet guy. He will tell you what the category for the year is.
After learning the category, exit the festival and you will be back home at 
12:00 PM. Now you have until 5:59 PM to make your food and bring it back to 
the festival. Take the food out and give it to the mayor.

There are five categories for the cooking festival. At first, all categories
are linked to a certain year. But after the fifth year, those categories become

Below is a list of what is accepted and rejected in the competition. Please note
that if it is not written it probably means it is not accepted. The rejected 
section is only there for confusing foods that are unclear as if they belong
in the category.

1st year : Juices

Accepted : All juices (both fruits and vegetables), all lattes, relaxation tea

Rejected : n/a at the moment

Unconfirmed : Hot milk, strawberry milk

Please note that wine, bodigizers, turbojolts and milk are not considered food 
so you cannot even enter them in the contest.

2nd year : Deserts

Accepted : Cakes (chocolate, normal, cheese), cookies, any pudding, apple pie, 
           ice cream, apple soufflé, pancakes, moon dumplings

Rejected : French toast

3rd year : Bread

Accepted : Anything that contains bread EXCEPT...

Rejected : Cheese fondue (for some reason, it contains bread, but it doesn't
4th year : Noodles

Accepted : Anything that contains noodles (including noodles w/tempura)

Rejected : Anything made with buckwheat noodles (apparently, they are
           not noodles)

5th year : Rice

Accepted : <something> rice (not sure if omelet rice is ok) 

Rejected : n/a at the moment

Unconfirmed : sushi, toasted rice balls, roasted rice cakes, rice gruel, eggs 
              over rice, omelet rice, rice cakes

4.2- The judging

As a basic rule, if you don't participate or if you get disqualify, the winner
will be chosen at random between Doug, Ann, Lilia, and Manna (Karen and her...
umm...black stuff will never win...). 

But if you participate, you can get one of six judgement. The scene will
flash and he will either :

- the scene stays the same and he has an angry bubble and tells you that
  you are disqualify because it is the wrong category

- the scene switches to a snowy mountain and he tells you that the food
  is bad. You should keep your day job, your cooking is awful... almost

- the scene stays the same and he tells you it is very homemade (see below)

- the scene switches to a rainy mountain and he tells you that it's good
  but something is missing (see below)

- the scene switches to the mountains and he tells you that you are good.
  You have a pretty good chance of winning.

- the scene switches to shooting stars. You have 100 % chances of winning.

PLEASE NOTE : When the scene stays the same and he tells you that it is 
very homemade, I never win. But I do not know if it is impossible to win
or if you are put in the random choosing with the four others participants.
Ditto for the rainy mountain scene.

4.3- Tips for the cooking festival

1- The more food you can add in a recipe, the more chances you have to 
   win. For example, its almost impossible to win with jam bread, but
   with a sandwich, its easier. But this also means that for some
   categories, you can only easily win with one recipe.

2- You should start collecting food for the contest a year before. I mean
   if you want to do a recipe that needs mushrooms, you will need to get 
   them in fall. Anticipate people !

3- DON'T FORGET, you don't win anything in this contest. So don't worry 
   if you lose. (In the girl version, if you want to marry the Gourmet, 
   you need to have won all five categories. But then, the girl version
   isn't out here yet... and who would want to marry the Gourmet? Uhh,
   I'm getting shivers just thinking sbout it)

4.4- Recipes
This section holds winning recipes from me and members of the Harvest
Moon FOMT board. Enjoy !

4.4.1- Juices

-by the Keeper

relaxation tea
reaction : shooting stars
STEP 1 : RELAXATION TEA - relaxation tea leaves / pot + sugar

4.4.2- Deserts

-by MetalSpearSolid

the easy way out
reaction : shooting stars
STEP 1 : just give the cake you receive at Winter Thanksgiving ;-)

-by Taiga (that's me <3)

chocolate cake
reaction : shooting stars
STEP 1 : BUTTER - milk(L) / mixer
STEP 2 : CHOCOLATE CAKE - butter + chocolate + egg(L) + flour +
         apple + honey + wine / whisk + oven + knife + sugar

-by SilentGhost

cheese cake
reaction : shooting stars
STEP 1 : CHEESE CAKE - cheese(any) + egg(any) + milk(any) + wine +
         honey / pot + whisk + oven + sugar

-by Taiga (again)

apple pie
reaction : sunny mountaintop
STEP 1 : BUTTER - milk(L) / mixer
STEP 2 : APPLE PIE - apple + butter + egg(L) + flour + honey + wine
         / knife + pot + rolling pin + oven + sugar 

4.4.3- Bread

-by SylvanElves

reaction : shooting stars
STEP 1 : BOILED EGG - egg(any) / pot
STEP 2 : MAYO - made from maker
STEP 3 : BUTTER - milk(any) / mixer
STEP 4 : SANDWICH - bread + tomato + cabbage + cucumber + butter 
         + mayo + boiled egg / knife

4.4.4- Noodles

-by Maximum Taco

fried noodles
reaction : sunny mountaintop
STEP 1 : NOODLES - flour / knife + rolling pin + pot
STEP 2 : FRIED NOODLES - noodles + oil + egg(L) + fish(S) / frying pan

-by EvilTim

fried noodles
reaction : sunny mountaintop
STEP 1 : NOODLES - flour / knife + rolling pin + pot
STEP 2 : FRIED NOODLES - noodles + oil + egg(any) + cabbage + fish(M) /
         frying pan + salt + soy sauce

4.4.5- Rice

n/a at the moment

5- Horse race prizes

5.1- List

Here is the list of all the things you can exchange at the horse races.

Please note that one medal costs 50 G and that you can only get them if 
you bet on a horse and win. If you have a lot of money to spare, note 
that you can bet on more then one horse. And one last trick is that if
you know how to win, save before entering the horse races. Do not bet
until it is your horse that is racing. Put 99 on your horse, and its 
easy medals. Once got 5940 medals because my horse had a payout of 60.

-Jewel of truth - 1 000 medals (note, can only buy once)
                - collect 9 and you will get a stone that shows your 
                  strength and fatigue

-Power berry - 900 medals (note, can only buy once)
             - raises your energy levels

-Dress - 250 medals (note, only after buying the jewel of truth)
       - gift for the girls

-Perfume - 150 medals (note, only after buying the power berry)
         - gift for the girls

-Facial pack - 42 medals
             - gift for the girls

-Skin lotion - 35 medals
             - gift for the girls

-Sunblock - 30 medals
          - gift for the girls

-Necklace - 20 medals
          - gift for the girls
          - sell for 2 000 G
-Broach - 18 medals
        - gift for the girls
        - sell for 2 000 G

-Diamond - 14 medals
         - sell for 100 G

-Truffle - 10 medals
         - can be used for cooking
         - sell for 500 G

-Adamantite - 4 medals
            - used to make "makers"
            - sell for 50 G

5.2- Item analysis

Jewel of truth - 1000 medals = 50 000 G
MY THOUGHTS : Buy it after you have a cabinet so you can keep it in. It 
              should be bought but it is not a high priority.

Power berry - 900 medals = 45 000 G
MY THOUGHTS : Buy it ASAP. You can't say no to raising your energy level.

Dress - 250 medals = 12 500 G
MY THOUGHTS : If you want to give it to a girl. Real expensive though.

Perfume - 150 medals = 7 500 G
MY THOUGHTS : If you want to give it to a girl. Real expensive though.

Facial pack - 42 medals = 2 100 G
MY THOUGHTS : If you want to give it to a girl.

Skin lotion - 35 medals = 1 750 G
MY THOUGHTS : If you want to give it to a girl.

Sunblock - 30 medals = 1 500 G
MY THOUGHTS : If you want to give it to a girl.

Necklace - 20 medals = 1 000 G
MY THOUGHTS : Well, you can make 60 000 G if you ship a basket full of them
              but you will also only make 30 000 G of profit. Its better to
              stick with broaches to make big money.

Broach - 18 medals = 900 G
MY THOUGHTS : You can make 60 000 G if you ship a basket full of them. And this
              will give you a profit of 33 000 G. Best moneymaker of the races.

Diamond - 14 medals = 700 G
MY THOUGHTS : A diamond sell for 100 G so if you buy it to sell it, you will
              lose 600 G. Some girls really like diamonds, but there are a 
              lot of less expensive gifts for her. Bottom line, if you want
              diamonds wait until winter and go in the winter mine floor 10.

Truffle - 10 medals = 500 G
MY THOUGHTS : Since a truffle sells for 500 G, you will make a profit of zero.
              There is no need to go buy them here. If you need to ship
              truffles, just become good friends with Carter and he will let
              you in the backdoor so you can pick some in fall. You can also
              find some near the lake in the forest. Just have a level 6
              hammer or better and smash the big stone (or SONE if you prefer)
              and continue down the path (only in fall).

Adamantite - 4 medals = 200 G
MY THOUGHTS : Well, adamantite only sells for 50 G. Not only that but its not 
              so hard to find. Spring mine, below level 10. Bottom line, buying
              adamantite is a waste of money.

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