Jumat, 30 November 2012

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town: Money Maker/Crop Guide

Starting Out
You begin FOMT with little more than an Ax, Hoe, Sickle, Hammer, 
Pedometer, Watering Can, and 500G.  This isn't much, but it's enough 
to begin your empire of wealth.  It's important to start out earning 
a good amount of money in the beginning to make your life much easier 
as the game progresses.

There are many ways to earn money in this game.  Here is a list of 
the money makers.

Foraging -
This is the "easiest" method of making money.  You can find many 
things worth selling in the forests, mountains, and even on the 
beach.  You don't even need to use any tools (and stamina) to get 
them, although you will need to spend time actually getting them. 
Here is the list for Spring.

  Spring Items         Price    Location
  Bamboo Shoots    50G      3 found south of Mountain Lake
  Blue Grass           100G     1 found near Hot Springs
                                               2 found in Forest
  Orange Grass         100G     2 found on Beach
  Yellow Grass         120G     2 found on Beach

  Total Net Earnings:  890G a day

NOTE: It will be very difficult, at first, to get everything at once.  
When you start out the game, you will only have room to hold three 
items and three tools.  One of the first things you should buy 
(besides seeds for your crops, which I'll cover later on) is a bigger 
backpack.  There are two upgrades.  The first one, worth 3000G, will 
allow you to hold 5 items and tools.  You can buy this at the 
Supermarket.  One week after you buy this, a second backpack, worth 
5000G, will be on sale (which can hold 9 items and tools).

During the summer, there will be even more items worth selling.

  Summer Items         Price    Location
  ------------         -----    --------
  Wild Grapes          50G      1 found south of Mountain Lake
                                1 found in Forest
  Blue Grass           100G     1 found near Hot Springs
                                2 found in Forest
  Green Grass          100G     2 found south of Mountain Lake
                                1 found near Hot Springs
                                1 found in Forest
  Red Grass            110G     1 found south of Mountain Lake
                                1 found near Hot Springs
                                1 found in Forest
                                1 found on Church Cemetery
  Purple Grass         120G     4 found on Beach

  Total Net Earnings:  1620G a day

Fall (or Autumn) is full of all sorts of items worth selling (and 
they are also worth a lot of money).

  Autumn Items         Price    Location
  ------------         -----    --------
  Mushrooms            70G      1 found in Forest
                                1 found north of Mountain Lake
                                1 found behind Church*
  Poisonous Mushroom   100G     1 found in Forest
                                1 found behind Church*
  Truffle              500G     1 found west of Mountain Lake**
                                2 found behind Church*
  Green Grass          100G     2 found south of Mountain Lake
                                1 found near Hot Springs
                                1 found in Forest
  Red Grass            110G     1 found south of Mountain Lake
                                2 found near Hot Springs
                                1 found in Forest
                                1 found on Church Cemetery
  Indigo Grass         100G     2 found on Beach

  Total Net Earnings:  3060G a day

* You will need to be good friends with Carter in order to access the 
back of the Church.

** You can access this area by taking the path behind the large 
boulder that located south of the Mountain Lake.  You will need to 
use either the Cursed, Blessed, or Mythic Hammer to destroy the rock.

You'll only find two pieces of White Grass in Winter.  

  Autumn Items         Price    Location
  ------------         -----    --------
  White Grass          150G     1 found in the north part of Forest
                                1 found behind Church*

  Total Net Earnings:  300G a day

Mining -
You can mine for minerals in one of two places.  One is located 
behind the Goddess Pond and is accessible all year round. The other 
is in the middle of the Mountain Lake and can be accessed in Winter 
when the lake freezes over (although it is possible to reach this 
cave during the other seasons with the help of a special item).  You 
find minerals by smashing rocks with your hammer.  You can also find 
bags of money (worth 10G each) that you earn immediately, as well as 
Black Grass by tilling the soil.  There are also stairs that you find 
using your hoe that will take you deeper in the mine, giving you 
access to rarer items.  I'll list the minerals I've gotten so far in 
the Goddess Mine.

  Mining Items        Price    Location
  ------------        -----    --------
  Junk Ore            1G       All floors in rocks
  Black Grass         10G      All floors in soil
  Copper Ore          15G      All floors in rocks
  Silver Ore          20G      All floors in rocks
  Gold Ore            25G      Floors 3 and below in rocks
  Mystrile Ore        40G      Floors 6 and below in rocks
  Orchalic Ore        50G      Floors 10 and below in rocks
  Adamantite Ore      50G      Floors 10 and below in rocks
  Mythic Stone        20000G   Floors 60 and below in rocks***

*** Mythic Stones will only appear once all 6 cursed tools have been 
upgraded to blessed status.

NOTE: You use up a lot of energy breaking rocks and digging.  You may 
want to bring some food or energy drinks to regain your strength, 
especially if you want to reach any deeper floors.  (There are 255 
floors in each cave, just to let you know.)  In addition, you can 
also save time by buying a basket at the Supermarket for 5000G.  With 
the basket, you can place up to 30 shipping items which you can dump 
into a shipping bin at a later time.  However, once you put an item 
into the basket, you cannot get it back.

During the Winter, the Mountain Lake will freeze over and you will be 
able to access the Winter Mine located in the center of the lake.

  Mining Items        Price    Location
  ------------        -----    --------
  Moon Stone          55G      Floors that end in 8 in rocks
  Sand Rose           60G      Floors that end in 9 in rocks
  Amethyst            60G      All floors in rocks
  Agate               62G      All floors in rocks
  Fluorite            65G      All floors in rocks
  Peridot             68G      All floors in rocks
  Topaz               70G      All floors in rocks
  Ruby                75G      All floors in rocks
  Emerald             80G      Floors that end in 5 in rocks
  Diamond             100G     Floors that end in 0 in rocks
  Alexandrite         10000G   Floors 50, 100, 150, and 200 in rocks
  Pink Diamond        10000G   Floors 30, 70, 90, 110, 130, 170, 190,
                               and 255 in rocks

Fishing -
You can get a standard Fishing Rod by visiting Zack sometime from 
11AM to 4PM at his house in the beach.  (You will need to have at 
least one tool slot open in your backpack.)  Fishing is different 
when compared to other versions of HM.  Here, you can actually 
upgrade the Fishing Rod, just like your other tools.  The higher 
level your rod is, the better chances of getting larger fish.  Your 
standard Fishing Rod can capture small fish and very some medium 
fish.  The type of fish you can get (as well as its size) will depend 
on where you fish, the fishing rod level, and the season you fish in.

  Fish Size     Price
  ---------     -----
  Small         50G
  Medium        120G
  Large         200G

Here is a listing of the fish available and their locations.

Seasons: SP-Spring, SU-Summer, AU-Autumn, WI-Winter

  Lake   - The big lake south of Mother Hill's Peak.
  River  - The river connecting the Lake, located Northeast.
  Pond   - The Goddess Pond next to the Hot Springs.
  Stream - The stream of water that makes the southern border of your
           farm, the Poultry Farm, and Yodel Ranch.
  Sea    - The sea on Mineral Beach

  Level 1 Fishing Rod:
  Fish Name        Season        Location         Size
  ---------        ------        --------         ----
  Bitterling       SP,SU,AU,WI   Stream           Small
  Bluegill         SP,SU,AU      Lake, River,     Small, Medium
                                 Pond, Stream
  Brown Hakeling   SP,SU,WI      Stream           Small, Medium
  Cherry Salmon    SU,AU         Lake, River      Small, Medium
  Fatminnow        SP,SU,AU,WI   Lake, River      Small
  Golden Carp      SP,SU,AU      Pond, Stream     Small
  Herring          SP,SU,WI      Sea              Small, Medium
  Lake Smelt       WI            Pond, Stream     Small
  Roach            SP,AU         Stream           Small
  Sandfish         WI            Sea              Small
  Sardine          SP,SU,AU,WI   Sea              Small, Medium

  Level 2 Fishing Rod:
  Fish Name        Season        Location         Size
  ---------        ------        --------         ----
  Filefish         WI            Sea              Small, Medium
  L. Salmon        SP,AU         River            Small, Medium
  Lionfish         SP,SU,AU,WI   Sea              Small, Medium
  Rockfish         SP,AU         Sea              Small, Medium
  Silver Carp      SP,SU,AU      Pond, Stream     Small, Medium
  Whitefish        SP,SU,AU,WI   Pond, Stream     Small, Medium

  Level 3 Fishing Rod:
  Fish Name        Season        Location         Size
  ---------        ------        --------         ----
  Greenling        SP            Sea              Small, Medium
  Needlefish       SP            Sea              Small, Medium
  Pigfish          SP,SU         Sea              Small, Medium
  Rock Trout       SP,WI         Sea              Small, Medium
  Saury Pike       AU            Sea              Small, Medium
  Scad             SP,SU,AU      Sea              Small, Medium

  Level 4 Fishing Rod:
  Fish Name        Season        Location         Size
  ---------        ------        --------         ----
  Black Bass       SP,SU,AU      Lake, River,     Medium, Large
                                 Pond, Stream
  Blowfish         WI            Sea              Medium, Large
  Cod              WI            Sea              Medium, Large
  Crucian Carp     SP,SU,AU,WI   Lake, Pond       Medium, Large
  Fluke            AU,WI         Sea              Medium, Large
  Kelp Bass        AU,WI         Sea              Medium, Large
  Mackerel         AU,WI         Sea              Medium, Large
  Mountain Trout   SP,SU,AU      River            Medium, Large
  Salmon           SU,AU         Stream           Medium, Large

  Level 5 Fishing Rod:
  Fish Name        Season        Location         Size
  ---------        ------        --------         ----
  Bighead          SP,SU,AU,WI   Stream           Large
  Bonito           SU,AU         Sea              Large
  Dorado           SP,SU,AU      Sea              Large
  Eel              SU,AU         Stream           Large
  Flounder         SP,SU,AU,WI   Sea              Large
  Ocean Sunfish    SP,SU,AU      Sea              Large
  Rainbow Trout    SP,SU,AU,WI   Lake, River      Large
  Red Snapper      SP,SU,AU      Sea              Large
  Snakehead        SU,AU         Pond, Stream     Medium, Large
  Sp. Mackerel     SP,WI         Sea              Large
  Tuna             SP,SU,AU,WI   Sea              Large
  Yellow Tail      SU,WI         Sea              Large

Once you get the cursed Fishing Rod, you can also find other items 
out at sea.  You can get Fish Fossil (worth 5000G) during the Fall 
and Pirate Treasure (worth 10,000G) during the Summer.

Goddess Game -
During the first five days of Spring, the Harvest Goddess will have a 
special TV game show.  Her channel is located on the Left Channel 
(although you may have to keep pushing the Left button on the 
Directional Pad to find it).  She will play a greater than or less 
than game.  She will give you a number and you must guess if the next 
number is greater than or less than the original.  If you're right, 
you will get a chance to guess if the new number is greater than or 
less than the current number.  (If both numbers are the same, you 
will another chance to guess.)  You will be awarded with prizes on 
the spot for getting more than 1 in a row.  (Same numbers do not 
count as a win.)  The prize that easiest to get that can be sold are 
the herbs (2 in a row).  However, you will make more money by selling 
the Relaxation Tea Leaves (at 1000G a bag).  You'll need to get 
exactly 10-14 answers correctly in a row to get this.  You can play 
the Harvest Goddess game up to 5 times a day.  You may want to save 
the game before playing and after winning.

Horse Races -
On the 18th of Spring, you can place bets on horses to win medals.  
These medals can be exchanged for gifts.  Most of these gifts can be 
sold back to earn money.  Each medal costs 50G.  If you happen to win 
with a horse that has pretty good odds (usually higher than x4), you 
can make a profit buying some prizes and selling them the next day.  
Here's a list of prizes that can be sold.

  Prize               Cost            Price
  -----               ----            -----
  Adamantine          4 medals        50G
  Truffle             10 medals       500G
  Diamond             14 medals       100G
  Broach              18 medals       2000G
  Necklace            20 medals       2000G

You can also ship more items by bringing your Basket so that you can 
ship a maximum of 38 items.  (30 in your Basket and 8 in your 
rucksack.)  Your best bet is to fill them with Broaches.

Once your Horse is fully grown, you can actually race with him during 
the festival.  You can also bet on yourself!

Crops -
During your first year, your main source of income will come from 
growing crops.  Crops require investments, meaning you won't see 
immediate results and profits.  You'll need to water each crop once a 
day in order for them to grow in the shortest amount of time.  A list 
of crop costs/growth rates can be found in a later part of this FAQ.  
You will also find this information in the town Library.

Animals -
A steady source of income will come from taking care of chickens, 
cows, and sheep.  You start off with a chicken coop, which can hold 4 
chickens, and a barn, which can hold any combination of 8 cows and 
sheep.  These places can be upgraded by Gotz, the woodcutter.  Check 
out a later section of this FAQ for more info.


Crop Guide
First off, you'll need to clear your land of debris and till the soil 
using your hoe, in order plant seeds.  There are several formations 
of crops out there.  Here are the most common ones.

X - tilled soil           * - untilled soil

XXX          X*X          X*X          XXX
***          X*X          XXX          XXX
XXX          XXX          XXX          XXX

Rows         U-shape      Fat U        Full Square
6 slots      7 slots      8 slots      9 slots

The most profitable shape is the Full Square.  However, with this 
method, you will not be able to water the middle square once your 
seeds start sprouting, until you upgrade your Watering Can to at 
least Silver.  If you get the Harvest Sprites to help, they can water 
the middle square.  This guide will list the costs and earnings 
involved with the Full Square method, as well as the Fat U method.

As far as crops are concerned, there are two types: Renewable and 
Non-Renewable.  Non-Renewable crops require that you plant seeds 
again once you harvest the crops.  Renewable crops will continue to 
produce crops as long as you water them.

It's also important to note that if you plant crops that are not 
meant for that season (like planting Turnips during the Fall).  The 
seeds will disappear the next day.  This is also true even if the 
next day happens to be the appropriate season.  In other words, you 
can't plant Summer crops during Spring 30, and Fall crops during 
Summer 30, because they WILL disappear.

(All results listed are for the Full Square method, unless they are 
in brackets [], which uses the Fat U method.)

Spring Crops

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket
Renewable: No

Cost of Seeds: 120G
Growth Rate: 4 days
Maximum Harvests: 7 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 2)

Earnings for Crop: 60G
Earnings per Harvest: 60G x 9 crops = 540G
                     [60G x 8 crops = 480G]
Profit per Harvest: 540G - 120G = 420G
                   [480G - 120G = 360G]

Cost per Season: 120G x 7 harvests = 840G
Profit per Day: 420G / 4 days = 105G a day 
               [360G / 4 days = 90G a day]

Profit per Season: 420G x 7 harvests = 2940G a season
                  [360G x 7 harvests = 2520G a season]

All right, let me explain what's going on here.  I've listed where 
you can buy the seeds and if they are renewable.  Growth rates are 
measured in days that have passed.  For example, if you plant turnips 
on Day 2, Spring, and water them each day, the plants will be ready 
in 4 days (on Day 6, Spring).  If you plant crops by the cutoff day 
(including the cutoff day), you can maximize the number of times you 
can plant and grow crops for that season.

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket
Renewable: No

Cost of Seeds: 150G
Growth Rate: 7 days
Maximum Harvests: 4 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 2)

Earnings for Crop: 80G 
Earnings per Harvest: 80G x 9 crops = 720G
                     [80G x 8 crops = 640G]
Profit per Harvest: 720G - 150G = 570G
                   [640G - 150G = 490G]

Cost per Season: 150G x 4 harvests = 600G
Profit per Day: 570G / 7 days = about 81G a day
               [490G / 7 days = 70G a day]

Profit per Season: 570G x 4 harvests = 2280G a season
                  [490G x 4 harvests = 1960G a season]

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket
Renewable: Yes

Cost of Seeds: 200G
Growth Rate: 9 days
            (5 days for re-growth)
Maximum Harvests: 5 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 1)

Earnings for Crop: 60G 
Earnings per Harvest: 60G x 9 crops = 540G
                     [60G x 8 crops = 480G]

Cost per Season: 200G
Profit per Season: 540G x 5 harvests - 200G = 2500G a season
                  [480G x 5 harvests - 200G = 2200G a season]

(Calculations are different for renewable crops.  You only need to 
buy the initial bag of seeds once.)

Purchase Seeds: Won at Zack's Place
Renewable: No

Cost of Seeds: 500G
Growth Rate: 14 days
Maximum Harvests: 2 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 2)

Earnings for Crop: 250G 
Earnings per Harvest: 250G x 9 crops = 2250G
                     [250G x 8 crops = 2000G]
Profit per Harvest: 2250G - 500G = 1750G
                   [2000G - 500G = 1500G]

Cost per Season: 500G x 2 harvests = 1000G
Profit per Day: 1750G / 14 days = 125G a day
               [1500G / 14 days = about 107G a day]

Profit per Season: 1750G x 2 harvests = 3500G a season
                  [1500G x 2 harvests = 3000G a season]

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket (Available once you've shipped 100
                Turnips, 100 Potatoes, and 100 Cucumbers.)
Renewable: Yes

Cost of Seeds: 150G
Growth Rate: 8 days
            (2 days for re-growth)
Maximum Harvests: 11 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 2)

Earnings for Crop: 30G 
Earnings per Harvest: 30G x 9 crops = 270G
                     [30G x 8 crops = 240G]

Cost per Season: 150G
Profit per Season: 270G x 11 harvests - 150G = 2820G a season
                  [240G x 11 harvests - 150G = 2490G a season]

Comparison (Spring)
                 Earnings for
Crop             Full Square [Fat U]
----             -------------------
Turnips          2940G [2520G]
Potatoes         2280G [1960G]
Cucumbers        2500G [2200G]
Cabbages         3500G [3000G]
Strawberries     2820G [2490G]

As you can see, Cabbages are the most profitable for the Spring 
season.  However, they take two weeks before you can harvest them.  
You might be better off growing some Turnips for some quick cash, 
while growing some cabbages.  Potatoes don't earn much money, but in 
order to grow Strawberries, you will need to ship 100 of them in 
addition to Turnips and Cucumbers.

Summer Crops

There are more renewable crops in the Summer than in spring.  It's 
important to note that the first day of Summer is the Beach festival.  
You won't be able to buy any seeds from the Supermarket or from Won 
that day.  (You may want to buy some seeds on the last day of Summer 
for next year's Summer harvest.)

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket
Renewable: Yes

Cost of Seeds: 200G
Growth Rate: 9 days
            (3 days for re-growth)
Maximum Harvests: 8 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 3)

Earnings for Crop: 60G 
Earnings per Harvest: 60G x 9 crops = 540G
                     [60G x 8 crops = 480G]

Cost per Season: 200G
Profit per Season: 540G x 8 harvests - 200G = 4120G a season
                  [480G x 8 harvests - 200G = 3640G a season]

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket
Renewable: Yes

Cost of Seeds: 300G
Growth Rate: 14 days
            (3 days for re-growth)
Maximum Harvests: 6 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 1)

Earnings for Crop: 100G 
Earnings per Harvest: 100G x 9 crops = 900G
                     [100G x 8 crops = 800G]

Cost per Season: 3000G
Profit per Season: 900G x 6 harvests - 300G = 5400G a season
                  [800G x 6 harvests - 300G = 4800G a season]

Corn can also be used for making Chicken Feed.  You get 30 bushels of 
feed for each ear of corn that's placed inside the feed maker 
(located next the chicken coop).  You actually make money by making 
your own feed rather than buying from the Poultry Farm.  (You earn 
100G for each corn sold, which can be used for buying 10 bushels of 
feed.  You make 20 more bushels for the same value.)

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket
Renewable: No

Cost of Seeds: 150G
Growth Rate: 7 days
Maximum Harvests: 4 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 2)

Earnings for Crop: 80G 
Earnings per Harvest: 80G x 9 crops = 720G
                     [80G x 8 crops = 640G]
Profit per Harvest: 720G - 150G = 570G
                   [640G - 150G = 490G]

Cost per Season: 150G x 4 harvests = 600G
Profit per Day: 570G / 7 days = about 81G a day
               [490G / 7 days = 70G a day]

Profit per Season: 570G x 4 harvests = 2280G a season
                  [490G x 4 harvests = 1960G a season]

Purchase Seeds: Won at Zack's Place
Renewable: Yes

Cost of Seeds: 1000G
Growth Rate: 20 days
            (5 days for re-growth)
Maximum Harvests: 2 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 5)

Earnings for Crop: 500G 
Earnings per Harvest: 500G x 9 crops = 4500G
                     [500G x 8 crops = 4000G]

Cost per Season: 1000G
Profit per Season: 4500G x 2 harvests - 1000G = 8000G a season
                  [4000G x 2 harvests - 1000G = 7000G a season]

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket (Available once you've shipped 100
                Tomatoes, 100 Corn, and 100 Onions.)
Renewable: No

Cost of Seeds: 500G
Growth Rate: 14 days
Maximum Harvests: 2 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 2)

Earnings for Crop: 250G 
Earnings per Harvest: 250G x 9 crops = 2250G
                     [250G x 8 crops = 2000G]
Profit per Harvest: 2250G - 500G = 1750G
                   [2000G - 500G = 1500G]

Cost per Season: 500G x 2 harvests = 1000G
Profit per Day: 1750G / 14 days = 125G a day
               [1500G / 14 days = about 107G a day]

Profit per Season: 1750G x 2 harvests = 3500G a season
                  [1500G x 2 harvests = 3000G a season]

Comparison (Summer)
                 Earnings for
Crop             Full Square [Fat U]
----             -------------------
Tomatoes         4210G [3640G]
Corn             5400G [4800G]
Onions           2280G [1960G]
Pineapples       8000G [7000G]
Pumpkins         3500G [3000G]

Once again, the crop that makes the most money also takes the longest 
to grow.  Pineapples are very profitable but you won't even harvest 
one until the last days of Summer.  Pumpkins have the same profits as 
Cabbages.  Onions don't earn much, similar to Potatoes.  However, 
remember that you need to ship 100 of them in addition to Tomatoes 
and Corn to grow Pumpkins.

Fall Crops

Fall is, by far, the most profitable season for selling crops.  
Things grow fast and sell for a lot of money.

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket
Renewable: Yes

Cost of Seeds: 120G
Growth Rate: 9 days
            (3 days for re-growth)
Maximum Harvests: 8 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 3)

Earnings for Crop: 80G 
Earnings per Harvest: 80G x 9 crops = 720G
                     [80G x 8 crops = 640G]

Cost per Season: 120G
Profit per Season: 720G x 8 harvests - 120G = 5640G a season
                  [640G x 8 harvests - 120G = 5000G a season]

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket
Renewable: No

Cost of Seeds: 300G
Growth Rate: 7 days
Maximum Harvests: 4 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 2)

Earnings for Crop: 120G 
Earnings per Harvest: 120G x 9 crops = 1080G
                     [120G x 8 crops = 960G]
Profit per Harvest: 1080G - 300G = 780G
                   [960G - 300G = 660G]

Cost per Season: 300G x 4 harvests = 1200G
Profit per Day: 780G / 7 days = about 111G a day
               [660G / 7 days = about 94G a day]

Profit per Season: 780G x 4 harvests = 3120G a season
                  [660G x 4 harvests = 2640G a season]

Sweet Potatoes
Purchase Seeds: Supermarket
Renewable: Yes

Cost of Seeds: 300G
Growth Rate: 5 days
            (2 days for re-growth)
Maximum Harvests: 13 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 1)

Earnings for Crop: 120G 
Earnings per Harvest: 120G x 9 crops = 1080G
                     [120G x 8 crops = 960G]

Cost per Season: 120G
Profit per Season: 1080G x 13 harvests - 120G = 13920G a season
                  [960G x 13 harvests - 120G = 12360G a season]

Green Peppers
Purchase Seeds: Won at Zack's Place
Renewable: Yes

Cost of Seeds: 150G
Growth Rate: 7 days
            (2 days for re-growth)
Maximum Harvests: 12 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 1)

Earnings for Crop: 40G 
Earnings per Harvest: 40G x 9 crops = 360G
                     [40G x 8 crops = 320G]

Cost per Season: 150G
Profit per Season: 360G x 12 harvests - 150G = 4170G a season
                  [320G x 12 harvests - 150G = 3690G a season]

Purchase Seeds: Supermarket (Available once you've shipped 100
                Eggplants, 100 Carrots, and 100 Sweet Potatoes.)
Renewable: No

Cost of Seeds: 200G
Growth Rate: 5 days
Maximum Harvests: 5 harvests
(Cutoff day for MH: Day 5)

Earnings for Crop: 80G 
Earnings per Harvest: 80G x 9 crops = 720G
                     [80G x 8 crops = 640G]
Profit per Harvest: 720G - 200G = 520G
                   [640G - 200G = 440G]

Cost per Season: 200G x 5 harvests = 1000G
Profit per Day: 520G / 5 days = 104G a day
               [440G / 5 days = 88G a day]

Profit per Season: 520G x 5 harvests = 2600G a season
                  [440G x 5 harvests = 2200G a season]

Comparison (Fall)
                 Earnings for
Crop             Full Square [Fat U]
----             -------------------
Eggplant         5640G  [5000G]
Carrot           3120G  [2640G]
Sweet Potatoes   13920G [12360G]
Green Peppers    4170G  [3690G]
Spinach          2600G  [2200G]

There's no question here.  Sweet Potatoes are your best bet.  
However, you will be spending every other day harvesting these guys.  
You may want to recruit the Harvest Sprites to make your life a lot 
easier, in terms of harvesting.


Animal Guide

You'll want to begin taking care of chickens first.  They are very 
easy to take care of and inexpensive to get.  Of course, you also 
don't earn as much money with them as you would with sheep or cows.  
You will only need one chicken to start.  Once the chicken starts 
laying eggs, you can place one egg into the incubator inside the 
chicken coop.  Three days later, a chick will hatch.  After one full 
week, your chick will become a full grown chicken.

In order to take care of chickens, you will only need to buy feed.  
Chicken feed can be purchased from the Poultry Farm for 10G a bushel.  
You can also make your own feed buy throwing Corn (grown in the 
summer) into the bin next to the coop to make 30 bushels of feed.  
You can also leave your chickens outside for them to feed on worms on 
your field.  You may want to fence them up (using stones or cut 
lumber) to protect from wild dogs at night and to keep them in one 

Each egg is worth 50G.  As you continue to take good care of 
chickens, their heart meter will increase.  This is done by feeding 
them once a day, and by picking them up.  The quality of their eggs 
will also improve.  You can also earn a little more money by throwing 
a regular or good quality egg into the hot springs (from the upper 
part of the springs) and selling the Spa-Boiled eggs for 80G.

You can also improve the quality of an egg by winning the Chicken 
Sumo Festival.  If your chicken wins, she can have the ability to lay 
golden eggs.  However, your chicken must have at least 8 hearts 
before she will lay these eggs (replacing the large eggs she would 
normally lay).  If you leave your golden-laying chicken outside for 
600 total hours, she will lay P-type eggs.  On occasion, a P-laying 
chicken will lay an X-type egg, which is very valuable.

Once you have upgraded your chicken coop, you can take care of 8 
chickens instead of 4, as well as incubate 2 eggs instead of just 1.  
You can also have Saibara make the Mayonnaise Maker for 20,000G and a 
piece of Adamantite.  This can turn your eggs into mayonnaise.  You 
can also make mayonnaise in your kitchen (if you have one) using an 
egg, oil, a whisk, and vinegar from your seasoning set.

You can also sell adult chickens for 500G or for 2000G if they are 
the winner of the Chicken Sumo Contest.

  Item                Price
  ----                -----
  Regular Egg         50G
  Good Quality Egg    60G
  High Quality Egg    80G
  Spa-Boiled Egg      80G
  Golden Egg          100G
  P-type Egg          180G
  X-type Egg          350G
  Mayonnaise (S)      100G
  Mayonnaise (M)      150G
  Mayonnaise (L)      200G
  Mayonnaise (G)      300G
  Mayonnaise (P)      450G
  Mayonnaise (X)      800G

Animals now have life spans in FoMT.  A chicken will typically live 
for only 3 years before passing away.  If one does pass away, you 
will see a sequence at the Church cemetery with Pastor Carter and 
either Rick, Barley, or both.

Unlike chickens, cows require a lot more attention, some more care, 
but produce an even better daily income.  You can buy cows at Yodel 
Ranch for 5000G.  Once you buy a cow, you will have to one week 
before she is old enough to start milking.

Before you buy cows, you will need to have some fodder to feed her.  
Fodder can either be purchased for 20G a bushel at Yodel Ranch, or 
can be grown by planting grass in your field and using the Sickle to 
cut mature grass.).  Grass can be purchased at the Supermarket for 
500G and can only be planted (and only grows) during Spring, Summer, 
or Fall.  Grass does not need to be watered at all and will re-grow 
every 9 days once you cut the grass.

You can also leave your cow outside.  However, you will need to have 
mature grass outside for her to feed on.  You may also want to fence 
her up, to protect her from wild dogs.

Just like the Chicken Coop, you can have Gotz upgrade your Animal 
Barn.  You'll normally only be able to hold any combination of 8 cows 
and sheep, with one extra stall only for a pregnant cow/sheep.  
Upgrading the barn will make room for 16 stalls, with 2 extra stalls 
only for pregnant animals.

Cows produce up to 6 types of Milk, similar to the way chickens can 
produce 6 types of Eggs.  Use the Milker (purchased at the 
Blacksmith) to get milk from the cow.  As stated before, a cow that 
was purchased from Yodel Farm will take one week before the cow 
becomes an adult Cow.  You can raise the affection of your cow by 
talking to her, feeding her, and using the brush (purchased at the 
Blacksmith) every day.  Once a cow has 4 hearts, she will produce 
Medium Milk, then she'll produce Large Milk once she's at 8 hearts.

There is also a Cow Festival in Summer.  Unlike the Chicken Sumo, you 
don't win by skill but rather by the amount of affection your cow has 
toward you.  If you win, your Cow can produce Gold Milk.  If she has 
stayed outside for a total of 600 hours, she will produce P Milk with 
a chance of also producing X Milk.  You can also have a Cheese Maker 
built by Saibara for 20,000G and Adamantine ore, but you'll need to 
upgrade your Animal Barn first before you're allowed to have this.

In addition to buying cows, you can also impregnate a healthy adult 
cow with the Cow Miracle Potion.  Your cow will be pregnant for 20 
days after using the potion on her.  You will not be able to milk her 
during this time.  Once she gives birth, the newborn calf will take 2 
weeks before becoming a mid-sized cow, and 1 more week before 
becoming an adult cow.  Newborn calves are born with at least 1 heart 
in their affection meter.

  Item                Price
  ----                -----
  Milk (S)            100G
  Milk (M)            150G
  Milk (L)            200G
  Milk (G)            300G
  Milk (P)            500G
  Milk (X)            800G
  Cheese (S)          300G
  Cheese (M)          400G
  Cheese (L)          500G
  Cheese (G)          600G
  Cheese (P)          750G
  Cheese (X)          1500G

Cows have a typical life span of 5 years.

Sheep are also purchased from Yodel Ranch, but for 4000G, and also 
eat fodder or fresh mature Grass.

Sheep can be used for shearing their wool.  Use the Clippers 
(purchased from the Blacksmith) to shear their wool.  Sheep will be 
adults when purchased from Yodel Ranch, so you can shear them 
immediately.  However, wool is grown back every 7 days.

The same conditions apply for making the quality of the wool better 
as with Cows.  Sheep also have a separate Sheep Festival that happens 
during the Fall season.  In order you enter, your Sheep needs to have 
her wool intact the day before the festival.

Sheep can also be impregnated, but using the Sheep Miracle Potion.  
Again, your sheep will need to have all her wool in order for her to 
become pregnant.  The sheep will be pregnant for 20 days after the 
potion is used.  A pregnant sheep cannot have her wool shorn off.  A 
newborn lamb will also start off with at least 1 heart and will take 
2 weeks before she is old enough before you can shear her wool.

A Yarn Maker can be made from Saibara for 20,000G and Adamantine ore.  
This will greatly increase the value of your wool, but you'll only be 
able to have the Yarn Maker made once you have upgraded the Animal 

  Item                Price
  ----                -----
  Wool (S)            100G
  Wool (M)            400G
  Wool (L)            500G
  Wool (G)            600G
  Wool (P)            1000G
  Wool (X)            2000G
  Yarn (S)            300G
  Yarn (M)            700G
  Yarn (L)            800G
  Yarn (G)            1000G
  Yarn (P)            1500G
  Yarn (X)            4000G

Sheep have a typical life span of 5 years.

Final Note
Cows are the best money makers, when compared to sheep.  You'll want 
to buy at least one to two sheep, but use the rest of the barn space 
for cows

Guide Summary
As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make money in this game.  
Here's a small list of what to do as you begin this game.

Spring - First Year
Spend your time foraging for items to sell, as well as growing 4 to 6 
3x3 crops (one for Turnips, one for Cucumbers, one for Cabbages, and 
the last one to three is up to you).  Buy a chicken as soon as you 
can.  (Don't forget to buy chicken feed too, although you may be 
better off leaving it outside in a fenced area.)  Plant at least 1 to 
4 3x3 plots of grass to prepare for buying sheep and cows.  If 
possible, buy a cow (and possibly a sheep) by the end of the season.

It would be wise to start being friendly to Carter, Ellen, and Gotz.  
Carter loves any size Fish as well as Curry Powder (sold for 50G at 
the Supermarket).  Ellen loves Mushrooms, Spa-Boiled Eggs, and also 
enjoys flowers.  Gotz loves Honey and cut Lumber from your Wood Bin.  
Keeping them happy will reap good rewards and fewer headaches later.

Get a hold of Power Berries ASAP.  They help permanently increase 
your stamina.  You can get one on your farm by tilling the soil on 
your farm.  The location is random.  You also get one by throwing 
offerings to the Harvest Goddess in the pond.  The cheapest things to 
offer are flowers that you can find in the forest.  A third Power 
Berry is purchased as a prize in the Horse Race Festival.  There is 
also a blue Power Berry which helps with fatigue issues.  You get 
that by throwing 1 cucumber each day, for 10 days, in the lake by 
Mother's Hill.

Summer - First Year
Hopefully, you have upgraded your Watering can to at least Silver 
(although Gold and Mystrile is preferred).  You should now be able to 
manage more 3x3 crops this time.  Make sure to grow some Corn for 
making feed for your chickens and Pineapples to make a lot of cash.

If you didn't by a cow/sheep by now, do it soon, and buy one or two 
more by the end of the season..  There are also more things to gather 
outside your farm that's worth selling.  You may also want to try to 
get your fourth Power Berry located on the 100th floor of the mine 
next to the Goddess Pond.

Start making friends with the Harvest Sprites (if you haven't 
already).  Give them flour, purchased from the Supermarket, to really 
make their affection rate increase.  Have them help out watering and 
harvesting crops to prepare them for the busy Fall season.  Don't 
forget to give them more gifts to keep their affection up.

Plot a few more areas for grass.

Fall - First Year
Focus on planting Sweet Potatoes.  Have at least 12 3x3 crops 
available for all your Fall crops (mostly with Sweet Potatoes 
planted).  Time your help with the Harvest Sprites.  Have a couple of 
them water and the rest harvest.  Remember that once their agreement 
to help is up, they won't be available for help the next day.

You'll have even more things to collect and ship outside your farm.  
You may want to also start fishing and playing Frisbee with your dog 
at the beach.

Make sure that you cut enough grass before Winter arrives.  If you 
run short, you can always buy more at Yodel Ranch.

Winter - First Year
You won't be able to grow crops this season (and there is no 
greenhouse or hothouse available in this game either).  Spend your 
time taking care of your animals, fishing, and mining in the Winter 

You can get up to three more Power Berries this season.  One is 
directly behind the Winter Mine.  Another one is in the 19th floor of 
that mine.  The last one can be found at the beach using a Level 5 
fishing rod in the sea.

Second Year and beyond
Keep being friendly to the Harvest Sprites to have them help on your 
fields during the non-Winter seasons.  Max out on the number of 
animals you can have.  (Don't forget upgrades to your Chicken Coop 
and Animal Barn, as well as having the Makers built by Saibara.)

You can get the last three Power Berries by now.  You can buy another 
Power Berry, but this time, from the TV Shopping Show for 10,000G.  
You'll only be able to buy this if you have upgraded your house 
twice.  The last two Power Berries are awarded for being winners of 
the Frisbee contest during Beach Day and personally winning with your 
horse in the Horse Races during the Spring or Fall.

There is also an event that occurs every five years (starting on the 
fifty year).  During the 10th day of Fall, head to Mother's Hill 
after 6PM.  You'll encounter a shooting star which will grant you one 
of three wishes.  One of those wishes allows you to earn twice the 
normal amount of money for items sold the day after you see the star.  
Use this opportunity to sell the most expensive items like Mythic 
Stones, Pirate Treasure, Pink Diamonds, Alexandrite, Fish Fossils, 
and other things.

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