Jumat, 30 November 2012

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town: Cursed Tool Guide

2. Introduction to the Cursed Tools                                 |

The cursed tools are what you need to make the best tools in the game.  These
are a step up from mystrile and two steps below the best in the game (mythic).
You will need these if you ever hope to run a large farm because if you have
tried before getting these you will know that the mystrile tools just arenÕt
good enough to maintain a large field.  Pretty much if you are an avid player
of this game, then these tools are for you.

|3.) Introduction to the Lake Mine                                    |

The Lake Mine is the mine where you will find the cursed tools.  You can only
access the Lake Mine in the winter when the lake on MotherÕs Hill is frozen
over (not the spring near the hot tubby-thing, the actual lake).  The Lake Mine
has more expensive gems that you will be able to find than the Spring Mine (the
one near the spring by the hot tubby-thing).  Going into the Lake Mine for the
cursed tools is pretty much one of the only reasons why you will ever go into
this mine.

|4.) What They Do                                                     |

Here is a table of what the cursed tools do:

|Tool                |What it Does                     |Floor Found On|
|Cursed Hoe          |Tills a twelve by three rectangle|39            |
|                    |of land.                         |              |
|Cursed Hammer       |Smash a boulder and a large      |59            |
|                    |boulder in one hit, smashes      |              |
|                    |multiple boulders at once.       |              |
|Cursed Fishing Rod  |Catch all fish                   |29            |
|Cursed Axe          |Cut all tree stumps on the screen|49            |
|Cursed Sickle       |Cut a nine by nine square of     |79            |
|                    |grass.                           |              |
|Cursed Watering Can |Water a six by thirteen rectangle|69            |
|                    |of land.                         |              |

In addition to doing all of the above, once equipped the only way to unequip
them is to have either Carter bless them or to turn them into the blessed tools
(more on the blessed and mythic tools later).

|5.) Elli Leaves                                                      |

Elli Leaves are something that are pretty much vital to getting all of the
cursed tools.  What they do is restore your stamina and fatigue all the way up
to 100 percent which is vital for getting the cursed sickle.

The Elli Leaves are a very complicated food to make here is the recipe:
First you go to the hospital and buy four Bodgizers and four Turbojolts from
Next you need to make them into Bodigizer XLs and TurboJolt XLs.  You do
this by adding blue grass to the Bodigizer and using the Mixer on them and by
adding green grass to the Turbojolt and using the Mixer.
Now is the hard part.  You need to go to your chicken coop or your barn and
grab six pieces of feed.  On one you need to use the Knife.  On the second you
need to use the Frying Pan.  On the third you need to use the Pot.  On the
fourth you need to use the Mixer.  On the fifth you need to use the Whisk and
the Oven.  On the sixth and final you need to use the Rolling Pin.
Now you need to use the six burnt foods that you just made along with the
Bodigizer XL and the Turbojolt XL using the Knife, Frying Pan, Oven, Pot,
Sugar, Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce, and Miso.
Congratulations, you now have one Elli Leave!  Now repeat the process above
so that you have four of them total.

|6.) Easiest Way to Get Them                                          |

First thing is first, you need to take all of the Elli Leaves that you made
(you can bring more than four if you want, and it will be easier, but four is
more than enough as it is).

Our whole goal here is to go in and grab all of the cursed tools in one go.

Your whole process is made easier by the fact that you have Elli Leaves.  With
out the Elli Leaves it would be incredibly hard for you to make it all of the
way to the Cursed Sickle (the last cursed tool in the mine).

While your process of digging all of the way down to the 79th floor is made
easier by the Elli Leaves, it can still be very hard...unless you use the
following method:

YOU UPON ENTERING THE MINE (nothing bad will happen if you have other tools, it
is just not advised).
2.) Save your data on File 1 soon as you enter the LAKE Mine (the only time
that you can access it is in the winter).  Make sure you save it before you
have used any of your tools that day, it will help a lot.

3.) Smash rocks and dig around until you find the stairway down to the next
level of the mine.
   4.) Take note of exactly where the stairway is.
   5.) Load your data from File 1.
   6.) Go to where the stairway was and dig there.
7.) Before going down the stairs save your data on File 2 (this is so that
if the next level is a dead end or you just donÕt like the way the next level
looks you can get a different level next).
   8.) Save your data on File 1 before you do anything on that level.
   9.) Repeat all of the steps until you have all of the cursed tools.

***When you are on a floor with a cursed tool in it simply save to File 1 as is
normal and then eat an Elli Leave.  Go around smashing all of the rocks and
digging everywhere until you have found both the stairway and the cursed tool
(you may eat as many Elli Leaves as necessary to do this, just donÕt save
afterwards).  If the floor lacks either the cursed tool or a path down then
load File 2, go down and repeat the process.
***Until you have gotten a cursed tool you can hold ÔLÕ and press ÔBÕ to switch
between tools (make sure you donÕt do this when you have a cursed tool because
once equipped you cannot remove them).
***More Elli Leaves, the better, one is the absolute minimum.
***The stairways are never next to the walls, this will make your search easier
in larger levels of the mine.
***If you go to a floor and dig up the entire floor and don't find the cursed
tool, simply load the save from the floor before and go back down and try, try
again.  This should work, if it doesn't then you will have to resort to trying
again on another day.

|7.) Upgrading Them Further                                           |

Now you might be saying what is the purpose of a cursed tool if you have to go
to carter to remove them?  Well the whole purpose is that you can upgrade them
twice more into the best tools in the game.  The blessed tools and the mythic

First we will go over the blessed tools.

There are three different things that you have to do to bless your cursed tool.
Each tool will only respond to one type, so here is a handy dandy table to tell
you all that you need to do to bless the tool.

|Tool                 |What to do to Bless                            |
|Cursed Watering Can  |Have Carter Bless it ten times for 1,000g each |
|                     |time.                                          |
|Cursed Axe           |Use it 255 times.                              |
|Cursed Hammer        |Have it equipped for ten days straight.        |
|Cursed Hoe           |Have Carter Bless it ten times for 1,000g each |
|                     |time.                                          |
|Cursed Fishing Pole  |Use it 255 times.                              |
|Cursed Sickle        |Have it equipped for ten days straight.        |

Explanation of Methods:

HAVE CARTER BLESS IT TEN TIMES FOR 1,000G EACH TIME: Simply go to the church on
a rainy day during the times that Carter is in his confession booth.  Simply
reequip it every time he removes it until it turns into one of the blessed

USE IT 255 TIMES: Simply take the tools to a festival (you donÕt drain stamina
during the festivals) and use the tool until it turns into a blessed tool (you
donÕt need to use it on full strength, just tap the B button a lot).

HAVE IT EQUIPPED FOR TEN DAYS STRAIGHT: Simplest and easiest method, do this
during the winter because you probably arenÕt going to need to use other tools
that much during that time.

On to the Mythic Tools.

The mythic tools are the best tools in the game.  Pretty much you are going to
want to have at least the watering can if you are going to become a big time

The way to upgrade them is all the same.  You need to dig all the way down to
the 60th level of the SPRING MINE (NOT lake) and bash rocks down there until
you have six mythic stones (one for each tool) (the mythic stones will not
appear until all of the cursed tools have become blessed tools).  You can then
take a mythic stone and the tool you want to upgrade to Saibara, pay him 50,000
gold and then come back in two days to pick up your brand new shiny mythic tool.

You can use them same method to get the mythic stones as you did to get the
cursed tools but it will be a lot easier if you have eight Elli Leaves this
time because you are going to be bashing a whole lot of rocks on the 60th floor
to find them.

The mythic stones are incredibly rare but there is one simple thing that you
can do to allow you to bring back with you the maximum you can get on floor 60.
Simply bring eight Elli Leaves and then while you are searching for the stones
(they are in the rocks not the ground) simply keep using Elli Leaves, and when
you have run out of them and are blue or have searched the whole floor you can
head back to the surface with plenty of them stockpiled.

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