Jumat, 30 November 2012

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town: Character Event Guide

Version History

Version 0.1 (3/17/04)
Started this guide! Outlined everything, found my notes on the Harvest Moon game.

Version 0.2 (3/20/04)
It took all of my free time, but I finally finished typing all the character event
info that I've discovered. There was actually less than I thought.

Version 0.4 (3/23/04)
Found a whole bunch of character events, now, if I can only find time to finish
typing them.

Version 1.0 (3/25/o4)
I finished typing all the character events that I know, and I will continue this guide
 as soon as I find more character events.

Version 1.1 (4/10/04)
Sorry I havn't updated in a while. I havn't been able to play Harvest Moon at all
since classes started. I've added two more events, and hopefully a lot more by
next Wednesday. I'll also add Frequently Asked Questions in my next update.

Version 1.15 (7/10/04)
Added a FAQ section and corrected a few mistakes in the FAQ. I'm trying a 
new text format, so if this FAQ looks messed up, I should have it fixed 


Character Events

WARNING! This guide contains *spoilers* and should not be read by those who may
yell at me because I ruined their gaming experience. You have been warned.

4a. Animal #2

Requirements: Talk to Barley
During your first season Barley will show up at your house in the morning and ask
you to take care of it. If you agree he will ask you to name it and then put it in the
When the horse grows up the next year Barley will come back to check on it, and if
it doesn't have a certain amount of hearts (I'm not sure how many) Barley will take
your horse away.

4b. Fishing Rod

Requirements: Have an empty slot in your rucksack
If you enter Zack's house from 11am to 4pm Zack will give you a fishing rod for

4c. Enter Kai

Requirements: Year 1 Only
Exit your farm on the 30th of Spring from 9am to 7pm and you will see May and
Popuri talking to none other than Kai. He'll say hi and tell you that he runs the Beach

4d. Ann's Mothers Funeral

Requirements: None
This event happens every year on Fall 5th. If you go to the inn Ann will that her
father took the day off. If you go to the summit of Mother's Hill Doug will be
standing on the peak staring into space. He will tell you that today was the
day that Ann's mother died. Doug will leave the summit at 5 pm.

4e. Fall Grape Harvest

Requirements: Year 1 Only
On the 14th of fall Duke will stop by your house in the morning and ask if you would
like to help harvest grapes. If you accept he will tell you to come at 10 am the next
day and says that you should bring a partner to help you. The only person that will
help you is Cliff.
Go to the Winery on the 15th and manna will ask you to help for a few hours. If you
agree you and Cliff (assuming  you invited Cliff) will talk to Duke and begin
harvesting grapes. At the end of the day Duke will thank you and offer Cliff a
permanent job. Cliff will accept and begin working at the Winery.

4f. A Gift For Lillia

Requirements: None
Enter Zack's house in the early Spring, before the 19th. Popuri will walk in and ask
Zack if her package arrived. She tells you that it is a birthday present for her mom
and she asks you not to tell her mother. If you say that you won't tell Lillia, Popuri
will become happy.

4g. Cliff's Secret

Requirement: During Year 1
Head to Rose Square while it is snowing and you will see Cliff pass out, and next to
him falls a picture. You take Cliff to the Hospital and the Doctor says that he will
need rest. If you give Cliff the picture he will tell you why he is always upset.

4h. Gotz's Bad Mood

Requirements: Don't be friends with Gotz
When you go to visit Gotz you might find that he is in a bad mood and doesn't want
to work on your farm anymore because he believes he's underappriciated. You will
have to become friends with him before he will say that he is ready to work again.

4i. The Tea Party

Requirements: Good friends with the Harvest Sprites
During one of the days in spring you may receive an invitation from the Harvest
Sprites to join them in a tea party. Go to the Sprite's home and give the invitation
to one of the Sprites and they will start the Tea Party and give you a Relaxation
Tea Leaves.

4j. Golden Service Time

Requirements: None
If you enter Zack's house from 11am to 4 pm Zack and Won will greet you and
Won will ask you if you would like to buy anything. Just then, Karen walks in and
Won comments on how beautiful Karen is. He then tells you to move out of the way
and begins speaking to Karen. He then declares it "Golden Service Time" and that
people  can take one item for free. After Karen leaves, on declares that you must
pay for anything you want to buy.

4k. Drinking Contest

Requirements: Karen's heart level must be green
Go to the Inn when both Karen and Duke are there and you will see Karen and Duke
arguing about a tab Duke has ran up. They decide to have a drinking contest and ask
you to judge them. If you agree the screen will go black and you will then see Duke
on the floor and Karen will slowly leave the bar. Doug asks you to drag Duke home
and you will agree. When you bring him to his house Manna will thank you and
then begin to chew Doug out and you will leave.

4l. Beach Party

Requirements: None
Visit the Beach House from 5pm to 7pm and Kai will say
hello and begin to complain that his shop has very few customers and he can't
understand why. Popuri then walks in and says that she's brought some customers.
Kai looks surprised asks you if you would help him. You agree and a few scenes are
shown. At the end of the day Kai is exhausted and a brief conversation happens
between him and Popuri. Kai then thanks you and you will automatically
reappear at your house.

4m. City Critic

Requirements: None
Go to the Beach House from 11am to 1pm and you will see Gray ask Kai for some
food. Kai and Gray will then greet you. Kai says that since Gray comes from the
city, he values his opinion. Grey will then say that and Kai makes great food and
will then say goodbye and leave.

4n. Manna's Advice

Requirements: None
From 1pm to 4pm when Sasha, Manna, and Anna are in Rose Square you might hear
Manna telling her friends that she is worried about her daughter and wishes she
would come home. Anna and Sasha tell Manna that they will try to convince her
daughter from coming home and Manna becomes happy.

4o. Doctor's Mistake

Requirements: None
Enter the Clinic from 1pm to 4pm on a Tuesday and you'll see Doctor apologizing to
Jeff about a mistake. When you enter Doctor's office to see what is the matter,
Doctor tells you that he mad a mistake about Jeff's blood type (maybe it was a
problem during a blood drive?). Jeff then leaves, saying he's going to tell Sasha.

"In Japan, blood type is used to determine whether or not a couple 
will be compatible when they're married. Some people won't even date 
others who are incompatible with their own blood type. If you talk to 
Jeff again, he'll say he has to go tell Sasha since she has always 
told him his personality was too kind for his blood type." 
Thanks to klosterdev for this information

4p. A Conversation

Requirements: None
Enter the Poultry Farm on a Tuesday from 11am to 1pm and Sasha and Lillia will be
conversing about Jeff and how he always hung around Sasha when they were little.

4q. Rick vs. Kai

Requirements: None
Go to the beach from 1pm to 5pm and you will see Rick walk up to Kai. Rick orders
Kai not to see his sister anymore and Kai says that he feels sorry for Popuri for
having such an overprotecting brother. The heated argument continues until Rick
storms away.

4r. Lillia's Sick

Requirements: None
During the Summer, when you enter the Poultry Farm, Lillia will tell you that the
store is closed because she is not feeling well. Just then Rick runs in with some
medicine, and as he is talking Pouri runs in with medicine. Lillia then says that she
is happy for having such wonderful children.

4s. Saibara's Lunch

Requirements: After year 2
Enter Ellen's house on a rainy Friday and you will see
Saibara walk in and greets Ellen. They begin talking when Saibara notices that you
are in the room. He asks how long you were standing there and Stu tells him that
you've been there for a while. Saibara becomes embarrassed and asks Ellen for his
lunch then promptly leaves.

4t. The Love Letter

Requirements: None
If you enter Elli's house from 9am to 1pm you will find Ellen, Elli, and Stu talking.
They will begin talking to you and Elli will remember that she needs to return a
book to the doctor. She begins searching for the book, but she finds a love letter
among the books that is addressed to Ellen. Ellen opens it and says it's a letter from
her husband. After a brief conversation Ellen says that she'll treasure the letter

4u. A Word From Above

Requirements: None
Enter the Church and you may see Carter by his table excited about something. He
will tell you that he heard a voice say that something good would happen to him.
Zack then walks in and tells him that something arrived for Carter. Carter then says
that the voice was right.

4v. The Back Door

Requirements: Good Friends With Carter
Enter the Church on a Wednesday in the Fall and you will notice that Carter isn't
there. You will automatically walk through the door that is usually locked where you
will see Carter talking about mushrooms. He then sees you and tells you that he likes
mushrooms, and asks you not to tell anyone about his secret mushroom collecting
spot. Afterwards, you can enter the door anytime and pick Carter's precious

4w. Gotz's Past

Requirements: Good Friends With Gotz
Go to Gotz's house on a Monday from 10am to 1pm and you will see Gotz talking to
Harris about how peaceful the mountain is. Harris begins talking about Gotz's wife
and daughter and Gotz becomes silent. He then says that he hopes he can keep the
mountain safe for everyone.

4x. A Playdate With Stu

Requirements: Friends With Stu
Enter Ellen's house on a Wednesday from 10am to 5pm and you will be told that
Stu has WAY to much energy and Stu asks you to play with him. If you agree, you
will exit the house at 6pm without much energy.

4y. Stu's Illness

Requirements: None
Enter Ellen's house on a Wednesday from 10am to 1pm and you will find that Stu has
a fever. Elli asks you if you would take Stu to Doctor. When you arrive at the
Clinic, Doctor says that Stu will be fine and Elli will thank you for helping.

4z. Advice For Basil

Requirements: Good Friends With Basil
Got upstairs in Basil's house and Basil will be standing by his desk. He tells you
about a person who became sick because of a misunderstanding in one of his books
and then Basil asks you what he should do. Tell Basil that it wasn't his fault and
Basil will become happy.

4za. Zack's Visit

Requirements: After Year 2 (?)
Visit the Poultry Farm from 11am to 1pm and you will see Zack talking to Lillia who
asks him if there's a problem. Zack says no and asks her how she is feeling. Lillia
says she is doing better, but that he shouldn't get his hopes up. Zack becomes sad
and then leaves.

4zb. Catching Kappa

Requirements: None

If you fish on the left side of the lake you might catch a green creature called
Kappa. He will do a jig for a moment and then disappear.

4zc. Doctor's Past

Requirements: None?

On a Wednesday, from 8-10, enter the area by the lake. You will see
Doctor gazing out into the lake. He will talk about his parents for a while
and then continue to stare into the lake.
Thanks to XxGamefreakxX and HmFoMT_Freak for the information on this event.

4zd. Death of a Loved One

Requirements: Neglect your animals

If you don't take care of your animals, they may die. As soon as you wake up
you will be transported to the church. If one of your chickens dies, Rick
will be there, and if a cow or sheep dies, Barley will be there. Both will
scold you and tell you to take better care of your animals.
Thanks to HmFoMT_Freak for the information on this event.


5. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q) Can I send corrections about your FAQ?
A) Of course.

Q) How do I activate _____ heart event?
A) There's already an excellent heart event guide written by AstrayGundam 
so I suggest you check there.

Q) Why is it taking so long to update your FAQ? (Offensive language was 
ommited from this question)
A) Between school and the virus on my computer, I just havn't had time to 
update this FAQ, or even play on by GBA. Sorrrrrry.

Q) Open this, there's no virus.
A&Q) There is a virus, yahoo doesn't lie. I'm serious, I recieve about 20
emails containing documents which yahoo detects as virus'. If anybody can 
tell me why they think I'm so idiotic to open a 60k file from somebody I 
don't know, I'd be most appreciative.

Q) Who are you?
A) I am the very vision that haunts you in you darkest nightmares. I am 
the one that you glimpse in the corner of your eye, and then pray that 
you had never seen me. And I am the creature that makes you scream like a 
howling monkey.

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